Wellesley RD 2013

<p>Since all the EE letters are out…</p>

<li>When does Wellesley usually release RD decisions? Are internationals informed online before they receive their decisions by snail-mail? (I’ll have to wait for weeks after the 1st if they’re sent by snail-mail :()</li>
<li>Does Wellesley have a limit on the number of applicants it accepts from each school? One of my friends from school was accepted ED and another received a likely letter. I’ve applied RD because I’ve asked for aid and am really worried about my chances since two girls have already gotten in (even though I’m really happy for them :)). (Btw, I have a sister at Wellesley… if that changes anything…)</li>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>There’s no set limit on the number of students a school will take from each high school. My Yale interviewer actually told me that. If you’re awesome, you’re awesome. :slight_smile:
Also, I think that having your sister there probably helps your chances, especially if she’s doing well–legacy and all that. :slight_smile:
Good luck!</p>

<p>I have two other girls both applying from my school who can both pay full-tuition, while I basically need a full scholarship to attend. So, I feel your pain. :wink: But, I think having a sister there helps a bunnnnch, so you definitely have a leg up!</p>

<p>Wellesley’s admissions is need-blind for domestic applicants (which assuming you really are from Austin, you are) so the people making the admissions decision truly did not know that the other two girls would be paying full-tuition and you would not while making the decision.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies… although, I’m an international asking for almost full aid… :(</p>

<p>WendyMouse - Heh, well, that’s good to know. :)</p>


<p>If you’re an international student asking for fin aid, then most certainly admission will be more difficult. From what I remember, only about 10% of internationals who are asking for aid will be offered admission. Not very good odds.</p>

<p>I think HYP are the only schools in the US that can be truly need blind for EVERYONE, including internationals.</p>

<p>If it makes you feel any better, the 2008 Senior Gift was for international student financial aid. Now I don’t know what difference it will make this year, but the class of 2008 cares (I gave $35).</p>

<p>WendyMouse, that’s great to hear :slight_smile: I’ve heard that Wellesley isn’t reducing the amount of international aid it gives by a large amount and is cutting down on other expenses… I hope that’s true!</p>

<p>wellesley releases RD decisions around when other schools do. </p>

<p>i think we should take in account to a certain extent how many kids wellesley decides to accept from each school, but i don’t think it is one of those ultimate deciding factors. i think what matters more is the relationship/tie your high school has with wellesley admission office in history i.e. i heard if you apply from an all-girls school, since they will have a long bond from history, wellesley accepts many more students from that school.</p>