Wesleyan Class of 2027 Official Thread

yeah, CWRU did a webex for people on the waitlist, they said they need you to respond each week that you still want to stay on the list, if you don’t they take you off. So just paying attention and responding will keep you in the game - and they DO count demonstrated interest throughout their process.

The odds seem better at CWRU than Wesleyan.

Really disappointing, on paper her odds were better at both of these than at Grinnell, where she got accepted - she has decided that Iowa just isn’t for her, though. BUT…so far Grinnell is the best COA after aid, so she may be swayed (we’ve got a budget to spend where she has some skin in the game, so do we - but once above a threshold, she’ll be on the hook for 50% of the extra - we’ll co-sign some extra loans if necessary, but she’ll be participating in paying extra if she chooses one of the more expensive options over the threshold).

I really don’t think she’ll change her mind on Grinnell, but I wish she would…


DD got in and got mind blowing FA. Thank you admissions if you guys are here. We’ll seriously consider this offer and check out the school in April.


Same here. DD got the most generous FA from Wes. We are blown away. Thank you Wes! Good luck to all the kids and parents. Each will find their right place. After a series of rejections both CMU and Wes came thru today with great FA. Its a relief.


I applied ED to wes and was also blown away by financial aid. I was worried I might get less because I’d have to attend if admitted but it didnt turn out that way!


Wesfest seems like a cool trip! My families planning on going the 14th! What majors are your kids thinking of?

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Maybe environmental science and/or creative writing.

I’m thinking biochem and philosophy. Writing is probably one of my top passions but im not sure if I want to major in it. (I use alot of philosophy in my writing)

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My D was waitlisted. Out of all the schools that would accept arts supplements, she sent some combo of theatre/dance/music supplements to all but Wesleyan as they seemed to discourage them unless you were at a professional level. My D dances 15 hours/week

Other info: intended English major, 3.99uw/4.3w GPA (top 5%), 1390 SAT, leadership in dance/music/theatre and student government. NM Commended. Active in community service org, also with leadership.


rejected, 1480 sat, top 10% of hs class


And another waitlist. I think we are up to 9.

1550 sat
IB Program
Top 8%
Two year job, one year writing internship, lots of great ECs with leadership, Tons of volunteering, great essays, etc. etc.

It is hard when basically all of your top ten schools have been waitlists.

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what are the chances of getting off the waitlist?

Last year Wesleyan admitted 81 of the 1557 students who accepted a place on its waiting list.


S23 in the same boat (his twin D23 applied to Wes.) He has 12 apps out there, so far 4 rejections, 4 WL, 3 acceptances (2 were safety schools), and 1 waiting to hear but was deferred from ED. He’s happy with the single top tier acceptance but geez that was a lot of work. I guess that’s how it is nowadays. Massive shots on goal with vague hopes for 1 acceptance to a top choice (he’s a high stat highly qualified student). His twin sister is 5/5 so far and feeling a little guilty about it. 3 more total to go this week and we are done!


A lot of small liberal arts colleges so the odds are not in our favor but keeping my fingers crossed. We do have acceptance to University of Rochester and Rutgers (honors) but the preference is for a smaller school. It has been a hard few weeks in our house.

To borrow a phrase from Earl Smooter, “you can’t ride two horses with one a** sugar bee.”

If you like the one, you don’t need the rest. Hamilton is a pretty good get. Congratulations to both your children.


Rochester is a good score. A lot of people would be thrilled with that choice.

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I agree. 17 yr old somewhat less mature in his perspective.


For those interested, Wesleyan’s acceptance rate for this year appears to be at 16% (pending waiting list acceptances):

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Well considering I got rejected to 8 schools, I was kinda happy being waitlisted at Wesleyan, I know the chances are slim tho, fingers crossed


My fingers are crossed for you, too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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