<p>My daughter is very happy to have been accepted by Wesleyan and Cornell (Coll. of Human Ecology) -- and is now having difficulty making up her mind.
She's interested in biology and society; likes the Cornell program, but thinks she might like the size and student body at Wesleyan. Any advice, especially from current or recent students, would be helpful.</p>
<p>She should take a look at the Science in Society Program at Wesleyan: <a href="http://www.wesleyan.edu/sisp/%5B/url%5D">http://www.wesleyan.edu/sisp/</a></p>
<p>Yeah, I don't know anything about the Cornell program, but I know a lot of people who love SISP, and it seems like the perfect kind of thing for someone into biology and society (it's also very easy to double with a hard science, since SISP requires a concentration in a hard science anyway). </p>
<p>Anyway, Wes and Cornell are rather different in feel, so if she thinks she'd like Wes better, I'd encorage her to come here! The science community, as far as I've seen as a non-science major, is really nice and cooperative (as opposed to competitive).</p>
<p>Cornell and Wes have quite different atmospheres. Wesleyan's science program is excellent, so it shouldn't come down to academics. Rather, she should base her decision on what she thinks of the atmosphere of each college.</p>
<p>One other point: Wesleyan is by no means a cakewalk but Cornell is known for the difficulty of attaining good grades, so if she is considering graduate school she should take this into consideration.</p>