<p>I couldn't find a focused list of westcoast colleges and their strengths for pre-med programs? It seems all mixed up in all other posts w/other national lists. So how about we start one focused only on westcoast ?</p>
<p>To make it easy, please put some structure in your responses as suggested below. Again this is a suggestion, so feel free to add/remove/modify/ignore !</p>
<p>A> recognition by top tier med schools across country ?<br>
B> quality of pre-med advising ?
C> choice of majors ? flexible, open program or lmited ?
D> access to research, volunteering opportunities? plenty or limited ?
E> difficulty of maintaining pre-med GPA ? (it seems grade de/inflation seems a hot topic –is it super hard or only moderately difficult ? )
F> attrition rate for pre-meds ? (student dropping out of pre-med) - high or low ?
G> percent of Pre-med applicants selected to Medschools (controversial, but nevertheless useful. If possible indicate details- numbers of recent graduating class, av.MCATs/GPAs, where they went etc)
H> merit-aid, scholarship offers (full rides, half-tuition etc) for qualified ?
I> accelerate/ dual-degree programs etc ?
J> other generic factors (school size, location, social life etc) ?</p>
<p>Let me start with a list of colleges (random order) I am looking to get feedback .. feel free to add others </p>
<p>Pomona Pitzer Reed Whitman UC Berkeley Stanford USC UCLA UCSD UCSF UW (Univ of Washington) Seattle Univ Oregon State Honors University of Oregon University of Portland Linfield ...</p>