Western Michigan U acceptances?

<p>Trying to get thoughts/opinions of WMU’s MT program! Any current WMU MT students who can offer some insight? Also, checking to see if there are other acceptances out there?</p>

<p>My D has not heard anything, but there are 2 acceptances listed on other threads. I believe they heard via email.</p>

<p>i just got accepted at western mich for a BFA in MT yesterday, but im not sure if im going because i have to hear from other schools just to be sure. but its a great program that focuses on acting. im so happy to make the school one of my choices</p>

<p>I got accepted a few days ago into the MT Program. Very excited. I’ll probably go I just have to wait to here back from a couple schools.</p>

<p>We just got back from seeing WMU’s performance of RENT. It was AMAZING. It was the best college performance I have seen anywhere. (And so much better than a very reputable summer stock performance of RENT we saw in the past.) We were totally blown away by the talent, the directing, the staging …all absolutely fantastic. Kudos for all the Western students and faculty involved in the production. For anyone considering Western’s program and can say it is worth taking a serious look. After tonight, I believe my son has decided to accept their offer for MT this fall.</p>

<p>My daughter’s best friend was accepted and he could not be more ecstatic! We can’t wait to see him perform. He is the third boy from our high school to be attend WMU MTP program.</p>

<p>gpmom48230: I just sent you a private message!</p>

<p>Looking for anyone who has committed to WMU MT for this fall or is considering accepting.</p>