Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah

I know this post will probably fall to the bottom of the forums soon, but I wanted to know if there was anyone else planning on attending Westminster next fall. I’ve searched the site for anyone else attending without any success. I’d love to get in touch with anyone else interested in the school! :slight_smile:

I’ve seen it referred to as a hidden gem in the West. :slight_smile:

Doesn’t the school have a closed facebook page?

@ECmotherx2 I don’t believe so.

Hi clarinet12,
My son is seriously thinking about transferring to Westminster next fall. He would probably be a sophomore if all his credits transfer. He feels too isolated at his current college and is also looking for more outdoorsy students to hang out with (he loves hiking, skiing, camping, etc.). We just visited last week and he really loved it there. We went for a tour and also sat in on an honors seminar about immigration (very timely with a great discussion). What made it even more interesting was the diversity of the students in the class and on campus.

My son also liked that they had so many different environmental studies options–one in sciences, in humanities, and in economics (most likely his choice).

I’m not sure how to send a message on this forum, but if you figure it out, please send a message! We are from Illinois, so Westminster is far away for us but at least there is a major city airport. My son plays the cello (and wants to join the orchestra there) and we’re not sure how to transport a cello back and forth across the country. He’s worried about putting it in the luggage area of the plane, and I don’t want to have to buy a plane seat for the cello.