<p>Specifically for this school, what’s a good range of SAT scores? Will 2000-2200 be ok? And should a 3.85 GPA Weighted suffice? All feedback is appreciated!</p>
<p>B U M P. Any answers / suggestions?</p>
<p>Strong math. Strong verbal skills. Show leadership. Show potential. Try to get that up to a 3.9. ECs (demonstrate leadership, growth, and committement)with nice teacher recs that suggest that you are a contributor to the classroom and so on. They don't emphasize science that much (you will never have to take it again regardless of whether or not you even get a credit). So, strong communication skills with strong math background. Hope this help a bit.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot! I didn't know Math was so highlighted. Guess I'll have to take that Multivariable class in school next year it seems. My math grades are my weakest. Thanks for the leadership tips, I'm fairly strong in that area.</p>
<p>Well, I think they just expect you to take four years of math, and at least reach Calculus by the time of the application, because you need two semesters of Calc and two semester of Stats to graduate from Wharton, so, basically, if you have multivariable calc under your belt, you're set. Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks, with Multivariable, it would be 6 years of math--i've got a lot of accelerated courses. Why so much math emphasis on business?</p>
<p>bc business math uses calculus and higher math.
and business is very much so a math-based study, just like how it is a psychology and politics, etc etc-based study.
which is why its not really a major...because it integrates so many components.
which is also why business is so interesting.</p>
<p>hehe...feel free to comment...im sure there are opposing opinions...but one thing i am sure of: business requires decent math skills.</p>
<p>from what i know multi var. and differential equations are not ap courses</p>
<p>Multivariable calculus and differential equations are beyond the AP math courses. People usually take these after BC Calc, which is the highest level of AP math that is offered.</p>
<p>In our school, you can take it after AB or BC. It's a tough class and usually only 10 people take it.
We also have Discrete Math.</p>
<p>Anyways, that sucks. I mean, Finance is math, but I wouldn't say that much Math...i know there's use of derivatives in Economics, cant think of anything else.</p>
<p>i'm automatically enrolled in multi var and diff eq next year, do i still get credit for taking those courses?</p>
<p>No. But if you get in, you can always take the placement test and get put into a more advanced class.</p>
<p>newyorker, there is a bunch of higher math in economics. my multivar textbook had a bunch of applications.</p>
<p>also, math teaches you how to think critically.</p>
<p>should i take ap stat next year? it is helpful?</p>
<p>not ap stat....its not really deep..more like common sense...stat with calculus is more meaningful. but if yu dont have too good of a foundation for stat, then you should take it
im warning you though....its boring if you can read the book and get everything.
it's not hard math at all...not ap stat.</p>
<p>does it help to take additional math like ap stat along with all the required math? or is stat just one of the crap APs? i'm trying to decide what to take next year that may help; will something like ib econ (i'm not in the diploma program b/c im choosing ap over it) or honors econ since ap econ isn't offered?</p>
<p>i donno, kids in my school say ap stat has nothing to do with math and macro+micro have nothing to do with current economics, but what's the alternative. I'm scheduled to take Multi var and diff eqs next year. I'm completing bc calc. I don't know what other math courses are out there.</p>
<p>The Wharton advisor would recommend you to get AP stats under your belt and AP Econ (macro and micro), too, if it were possible. If your school doesn't offer AP Macro Econ, take IB or just self study...it's not hard.</p>
<p>I'm just saying. Seniors i've talked to say that Micro and Macro are useless, but I'll still take those so the colleges will see it. The same goes with Stats.</p>
<p>Well, I'm taking IB Econ next year and I'll just save AP Stat for senior year like the majority of seniors do anyway.</p>