What a waste of paper...

<p>Question out of curiousity - they recycle those huge booklets after we're done with them, right?
And the CDs for listening?</p>

<p>I was thinking exactly the same thing. Massive books are sent all over the country, meaning we’re paying massive shipping costs for these books and we’re only using about 1/4 of them.</p>

<p>It’s the college board, they’ve got billions of dollars.</p>

<p>You’d think they could just issue single tests… I mean, this time, I kinda felt like a jerk for only doing one section out of the whole book, but filling that section with my scribbles :S</p>

<p>I remember reading something when I was taking an AP exam about its being printed on recycled paper, I’m not too sure about these huge booklets though. It makes me wonder what the college board does with ALL of the exams they give, and the scantrons too; are they stored for a certain period of time, and are they recycled?</p>

<p>I know! The first time I took a subject test I was angry they wasted so much paper for that! Even the fact that they’re recycled doesn’t redeem them.</p>