What about Mexicans?

<p>I saw in the post about "race" on the application about a person that is a quarter Mexican, but what about someone that is full Mexican? Yes, I would choose that I am hispanic/latino, but what about the second question? I do not identify with any of those. I'm Mexican. Not European or Asian or African. Mexican. I'm simply Mexican. How do I answer the second question, and why do they not consider Latino a race?</p>

<p>“Latino” is not a race. There are Hispanic people that are descended from white Europeans from Spain or other European countries, as well as Hispanics that are Native American or African American. Furthermore, there are many who are a mixture of the above mentioned races.</p>

<p>I have moved your thread to the Hispanic Students forum. </p>

<p>omzac is correct, Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race; and Hispanics can be and are of any race(s). Please read the first post of the Definition sticky thread at the top of this forum for the US Census definitions of Hispanic and racial categories.</p>

<p>Most people of Mexican descent are racially mestizo, a mixture of European and Native Peoples, please see this information:</p>

<p><a href=“https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2075.html[/url]”>https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2075.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There are several choices for what you can put in the racial category, you should do the one you feel most comfortable with as it’s all about how YOU self-identify:</p>

<li><p>Do not mark anything, it is completely optional. Even if you don’t designate your race, you will still be considered as a Hispanic/Latino of Mexican background as you will have indicated that earlier.</p></li>
<li><p>Mark both European (Spain) and AI/AN as this category states explicitly that it includes “Original Peoples of the Americas”. You will indicate that you are not enrolled, which would be expected as there are not tribal affiliations like there are in the US and Canada. Even though you have marked AI/AN, you should not expect to be assessed in the same manner as students enrolled in US Tribes. As in the first scenario, you would still be considered Hispanic/Latino and the racial designations are likely to have little or no impact on your admission.</p></li>
<li><p>If your understanding of your background is that you are fully AI/AN, you could mark just that box.</p></li>


<p>I hope that you will take advantage of the many opportunities and information here on the Hispanic Students forum. </p>

<p>The Resources sticky thread is a good place to start, with links to past Results, scholarships, summer programs and paid fly-ins to diversity weekends at colleges.</p>

<p>There is also a Discussion sticky thread if you will be applying for college in the fall.</p>
