I’m currently an undergraduate in my fourth year of college and I still don’t see any end in sight. I’ve transferred to three different institutions and changed my major as many times. I’ve hated college since the start (though I’ll admit that the first year was mostly out of culture-shock and homesickness). I can barely manage to muster the effort required to keep my grades above passing level. The classes are simple and generally unchallenging but I’m just apathetic about any schoolwork in general. It doesn’t seem that I’m cut out for college at all but I don’t see any other options. What else can I do?
I moved this to College Life, because I think it’s more relevant and you’ll get more responses.
It’s possible that you need a break to recharge and define exactly what it is from college you want. It’s also possible that you need a career that you can go straight into (at least for now) with minimal technical training or a shorter course of study.
Since you are in school, go to the career center and try some career exploration activities.
It does sound like you are unfocused and need to take a break, get a job for a while, and figure out what you want in life. Lots of people don’t do the four years of college route. You have tried transfers, that is not the answer.