What are Bama students called?

<p>My daughters favorite thing to say to haters when asked, " why would you go to Alabama?" is “because Forest Gump went there!”.</p>



<p>lol, That’s perfect. I bet most of them are left speechless while she walks away with a grin on her face.</p>

<p>When we would tell people that D will be attending the University of Alabama in the fall we’d get one of two reactions: either they would ask, “why?” Or they would have this slow spreading, huge smile and ask, “the Crimson Tide?” This would come mostly from the football and softball fans but even people with no interest in sports would say this. So as far as I’m concerned “the Crimson Tide” is the correct reference.</p>

<p>“Opposing teams have plenty of names for UA students and Alabama fans in general, but I won’t repeat them here… :0)”</p>

<p>As a lifelong Alabama hater, perhaps I can add some perspective. I’ve never thought poorly of the university or its students. It really is a great school. My problem was always with the legions of obnoxious Alabama “fans,” most of whom have never darkened the door of the university as students. The ones who carry around an inflated sense of importance and entitlement because of what their favorite football team has been able to accomplish. The ones you need a translator to understand.</p>

<p>To be fair, every big school has its “t-shirt alumni.” We have plenty of them at LSU. At some schools, such as the University of Texas, the alums actually look down upon the fans out in the general public, whom they view as beneath them. Personally, I think it’s all part of what makes college athletics so great. It provides an endless source of pride and entertainment for thousands of people who never went to college.</p>

<p>I’m proud of my son, and I’m glad he earned a full scholarship to such a fine institution as the University of Alabama. I will support him unconditionally and hope he has a great experience there. But if you don’t mind, I will continue to revel in my ongoing hatred of Bama fans. You will never see me wearing crimson. If that offends anybody, then I apologize in advance. I’m just wired that way.</p>

<p>(For what it’s worth, I hate Auburn too.)</p>

<p>We call fans that never attended UA, sidewalk alums or sidewalkers. They rank just below GDI’s in my eyes (g). Without them though Alabama football would not be what it is. However it does get frustrating at times talking to the ones that think The University only exists so they can have a football team to cheer for. They couldn’t name one building on campus other than Bryant Denny and like to use the Quad as their trash can on game days. But overall we’re one big happy family of Gumps :-)</p>



<p>And if your son becomes a 'Bama fan will you be able to simultaneously support him unconditionally and revel in your hatred of him? </p>

<p>Just asking. ;)</p>

<p>I will continue to revel in my ongoing hatred of Bama fans</p>

<p>That’s ok…we’re not too fond of LSU fans either…or the hideous colors that they wear.</p>

<p>Or the smell of corndogs that permeates the air when they walk by. Honest to God half the LSU fan base smells like corndogs. It’s like being at a carnival without the cotton candy :-)</p>

<p>Feel free to hate me. I would be disappointed if you didn’t.</p>

<p>It appears we have an understanding. There is balance in the universe. </p>

<p>Carry on.</p>

<p>I’ll start hating you when you cross the 50 yard line :-)</p>

<p>And by the way, I appreciate that everybody finds humor in the whole “corndog” thing. It’s funny. But in all honesty, I am 46 and have been going to LSU games since I was a boy, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single corndog on LSU’s campus. We actually eat good food on game day: gumbo, jambalaya, roasted suckling pig… </p>

<p>Oh well. Whatever fires up the troops. </p>

<p>I really should throw a tailgate party in November in Baton Rouge for all my CC friends…</p>



<p>Looks like you’re destined to be a pacifist, casino. Who’d a thunk it?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure he hated me back in November.</p>

<p>Probably not cuz we didn’t think that was much of a win.</p>



<p>Perhaps. But the magnitude of the beat down laid on the ■■■■■ cats in January, the kind that inflicted countless cases of PTSD among the feline faithful, has proven so . . . therapeutic in the land of the champions. Come watch the replay with us. You’ll see. Casino is so chill now, he’ll probably bring the corn dogs. :)</p>

<p>Have not watched the replay, and will not. As I try to teach my children, always keep looking ahead and moving forward. :-)</p>

<p>How about we just call the “Smart Students” for taking advantage of all UA has to offer!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>UA alum here who’s married to a UA grad and we’re the parents of a UA grad (and her twin brother, the AU grad).
It’s “the Tide” or “the Crimson Tide.”
Some idiot TV announcers say “Tiders,” but you won’t hear that amongst the student body.</p>

<p>Bless your heart Slippy. We love LSU fans…they have great food at their tailgates which they’re eager to share, they’re lovably obnoxious when drunk, and they tell great Marie and Pierre jokes in that adorable accent. They roar and carry on, but they’re just sweet ol’ boys and girls who throw a great, great party.</p>

<p>(Good one, casinoexec!!)</p>

<p>Being from Tennessee, both DH and I have a closet-full of Volunteer Orange, and even have a framed square of signed turf hanging in our office. However, since Alabama thinks more of my D, in terms of scholarship, than Tennessee does, I don’t have a problem with saying “Roll Tide!” Though, DH did put a cute post on his FB page about having to become a Bama fan that made it sound as if he had a terminal disease. </p>

<p>Oh, and as for the “corndog” smell- both DH and I are band parents for both our D’s in high school, and one of the things we do is work the concession stand on Friday nights during the football games. We go home with a concession stand-greasy fry smell every weekend. Sometimes I have to wash our clothes twice just to get the smell out, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.</p>

<p>Welcome Mckinna and Mckinna’s D. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Will your D be in any of the bands at Bama?</p>