<p>Besides sports, theater, or art.</p>
<p>i have a job, couple sports, comm. service hours.</p>
<p>But, what are considered good ec's?</p>
<p>Besides sports, theater, or art.</p>
<p>i have a job, couple sports, comm. service hours.</p>
<p>But, what are considered good ec's?</p>
<p>Good ECs are activities that you enjoy and that you pursue with creativity, independence, and depth. Any EC can be an excellent one. What matters is what you do with that EC.</p>
<p>NSM is being modest; she wrote an informative post a while back you can see in this thread <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/210497-those-ecs-weak-so-what-s-good.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/210497-those-ecs-weak-so-what-s-good.html</a></p>
<p>Those that you truly care about. End of story.</p>
<p>If I’m an Admissions officer, I want to see that you’ve got some personal drive, that you find and pursue opportunities with enthusiasm, that you contribute to the value of your educational setting, and that you influence your peers in a positive way. The areas in which you choose to do that really don’t matter. Now if I’m the jazz band conductor, the choral director, the crew coach, etc., I may be willing to contact Admissions about you if you’ve got a specific type of asset that I need.</p>