<p>I have a lot of reaches on my list but what wopuld be a match for me?</p>
<p>Probably a Biology Major</p>
<p>African American
3.7 uw GPA 4.2 w
Hardest Courseload</p>
<p>I figure i can get into Michigan,Maryland, UMBC, Elon, Hampton and Virginia Tech and that my reaches are cornell, Princeton, UVA and UNC
<p>Maryland Resident</p>
<p>School doesnt rank</p>
National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine....I was invited back as a leader
SPanish Club...Secretary
Multicultural Student Alliance..Secretary
Alpha Phi Alpha Leadership Conference
1 of 2 slected Members selected to be on School accrediation comittee
TracK and Field
100 hours of community service tutoring children
National Honor Society
Spanish Honors Society
Job at grocery store as Cashier 15 hours a week during school year for a year
Yearbook CLub
National Honor Role
Who's Who Amongst american high school students
De LaSalle Scholars Program -$6000 annually i get to go to my private school</p>
<p>some other stuff i cant remeber right now</p>