What are me chances of getting into the Elliott School for Security Policy Studies?

Hi everyone!

I read a lot of these threads but have never posted my own. I recently just applied for the Master of Arts Security Policy Studies program at GW Elliott School for International Affairs. I make the requirements and I’ve read that the acceptance rate for the graduate programs are 80% (probably due to the cost of the school). But I am still very nervous because this is the only school I want to go to. So here are my stats and let me know what you guys think!

GRE- didn’t take because it’s test optional

GPA- community college is 3.4 and Seton Hall is 3.0 (made golden key honor society junior year and then deans list all senior year. I explained in my statement of purpose I am paying my own way through school and can be hard to keep a GPA up to top tier while maintaining an internship and full time job)

Internships- diplomatic intern for the Holy See Mission to the United Nations and worked on the Security Council reports and Fourth Committee meetings. I also had various other leadership or program participations at the United Nations such as a youth observer representing the United States at the Youth for Human Rights Summit.

Work experience- it was really hard for me to get a job after my bachelors so I am currently working as a data analyst for a technology company. I mentioned in my statement of purpose I want to have a concentration in weapons of mass destruction (nuclear policy) and intelligence (international science and technology) so I feel like my experience in technology will help. Even if just a little.

I also mentioned I have been working in fine dining serving since I was 16 to support my education because I come from a low income single parent home.

Language- I took up to intermidiate Russian 2 however I am not very good at it so I waived the language requirement with my statistics courses.

I also mentioned in my application I am the first generation in the United States as well as the first generation to pursue a higher education.

I also mentioned in my statement of purpose I am looking forward to working in internships while going to school as well as travel abroad to the Arab institute for a concentration in nonproliferation next summer. I know a few GW students have done this and it looks amazing.

Decisions for Spring semester won’t be posted until November so any feedback until then will be greatly appreciated!

Your college GPA of 3.0 is the weakest part of tour application. Even though the program is test optional, you might inquire if a strong showing on your GRE might help if you need to reapply. Hopefully you will be able to quit working or work less so you can focus on getting the internships and participate in all the program has to offer.

Welcome to the forum!

I agree that your GPA is weak, even with working full time and an internship. Perhaps you had an intensive major? What was your degree in?

Further, coming in with a lower GPA and then opting-out of requirements (GRE and language) doesn’t make you look any better, and perhaps coming off as an under-achiever. Not saying that’s what you are, but just noting that it’s easy for someone to think that.

Thanks for the feed back!

I majored in Diplomacy and International Relations from a private school. I mostly took high 4000 level courses and those are the ones I excelled in. However, a few 3000 level courses I got a C in and that dropped my GPA a lot since I was a transfer and only had 2 years worth of courses.