What are my CHANCES 4 summer internships??// thanks!

<p>Hi, I've applied to the following summer internships, but now that the decisions are rolling in I'm getting a little nervous about my chances. You guys seem to know a lot about getting internships so I thought I'd ask your advice.</p>

<p>Here R my STATS:</p>

<p>School: Medium-sized private. A large majority of my classmates go to MIT every year.
Major: Physics w/ Aero/Astro (maybe. I'm still seeing if I wanna go back and take sme of those classes that I skipped)
Rank: I got the 35th highest grade in the class on my last quantum pset :)
GPA: 4.41/5 I know it's a little low but I'm taking hard classes :(
Gender: Female
Race: Asian-soon-to-be-American</p>


<p>Sum engineering, sum fizix. math, and writing.</p>


Man-Vehicle Laboratory</p>


<p>On campus tours, I lead and everyone follows.</p>

<p>Okay, what do you guyS think???</p>

<p>Please rank as Match, Reach, or Safety:</p>

<p>Northrop Grumman (ED)
Draper Labs
Hamilton Sundstrand (I'm not veyr serious about this one)
Sandia National Labs
MWA Project funded by NSF
Aurora Flight Science (I dont actually remember if I applied to this one)</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>12.3%... leadership helps a lot, but you're asian.</p>

A large majority of my classmates go to MIT every year.


<p>good for them. do you?</p>

<p>Northrop Grumman (ED)
- reach - but ed improves the odds</p>

<p>Draper Labs
- match</p>

<p>Hamilton Sundstrand (I'm not veyr serious about this one)
- match</p>

<p>NASA Ames
Sandia National Labs
- all reach</p>

<p>MWA Project funded by NSF
- safety</p>

<p>OMG GO TO AURORA, go go!</p>

<p>Guess who you will be working with? </p>

<p>And you get free lunch every day. (Seriously.)</p>

<p>FREE LUNCH! /Cool! What about the facilities? Are they nice? Are they near a big city? What is the employee/boss ratio at Aurora?</p>

<p>Oh, I just know about the facility in Cambridge*, which is in a building in Kendall (the one that caught fire earlier this year). There are only about 15 people in the Cambridge office, and they basically get money thrown at them to do fun stuff with airplanes. Since it's so small, the head person at the building (the chief something-or-other officer) interacts with everybody pretty frequently. </p>

<p>The facility in Virginia is the major one, and it's in Manassas, which I hear is within driving distance of DC.</p>

<p>*..because the person I know who just got a job there (who shall remain titleless, but who will be working closely with the intern(s) this summer) is stuck in the MA area for the next ~5 years while his fiancee finishes her PhD at Harvard. ;)</p>