What are my chances at Brown?

<p>(Originally posted in the Brown Forum)</p>

<p>Any input is appreciated!</p>

<p>White Male, NJ</p>

<p>GPA: 94 UW, 96 W
Rank: school doesn't rank but probably 5/240
SAT CR: 740
SAT Math: 790
SAT Writing: 800
Total: 2330
SATII MathII: 750
SATII Latin: not yet taken
SATII Lit: not yet taken</p>

<p>AP (my weak point, didn't take that many) : Calculus AB (4) US History (4) English Language (5), 5 AP and 1 Honors Classes taken by the end of senior year</p>

<p>Essay: solid
Recs: 1 very good, 1 solid
Noteworthy ECs:</p>

<p>Ping Pong Club-Captain
Varsity Tennis
Varsity Bowling
Latin Club Team Leader
Jazz Band
A Capella Group</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
Church service group
Soup kitchens
Usher at my church
Church choir (takes up most of my time)
Been in a band for four years that's played at benefit concerts etc.
Headlined at a Darfur benefit show</p>

10 years of piano, a few years of guitar and bass
Composes music (takes up the rest of my time)</p>

Summer jobs: construction work and drapery installer
Magic Shows</p>

<p>Awards (nothing special): AP Scholar, NHS, hopefully a ping pong tournament soon...</p>

<p>Thanks for looking!</p>

<p>You are in…</p>

<p>I’d say you have a 65% chance of getting in…probably more.</p>

<p>Chance me?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/601606-what-my-chances-good-college.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/601606-what-my-chances-good-college.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi stever!</p>

<p>I noticed that you’re thread wasn’t getting many replies … so I’ll help you out… </p>

<p>First off, I’ll say that no one has a “65% chance of getting in … probably more” at Brown or any Ivy, because admissions at the Ivies is a crapshoot … they don’t just rely on your stats no matter how impressive they are. </p>

<p>Anyways, I’ll start with your grades. A 94 UW is pretty good, I’ll assume you have mostly As and some Bs. Your course rigor however … with 5 APs and 1 Honors … is definitely below average for CCers. If your school has a limited offering of APs or restricts the number of APs you can take have your GC explain it in his or her rec. </p>

<p>Your test scores and ECs are excellent as well, and your ECs do show your interest in music. </p>

<p>Overall, you’re an excellent student … but you don’t really have anything standing out … boost your chances of admission by writing strong essays. </p>

<p>Chance: Reach</p>

<p>I meant for his stats on their own it would be that high. </p>

<p>I know they are crapshoots.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. This is really informative. ab2013, I think you hit the nail on the head. I have a crap guidance department that discouraged me from taking more APs, but also I didn’t realize course rigor was so important until junior year, so it’s just as much my fault. My school offers 13 APs I think, but most students only take 1 or 2, so for my school I’m above average. Unfortunately, our school report does not indicate the average amount of APs taken, so it will definitely appear like I could have challenged myself more, and I certainly could have. </p>

<p>As for grades, I have no Bs, I just get steady 93s-96s on everything. My school makes it very hard to get over a 96 in any class.</p>

<p>Essays: I wrote my main essay about how performing magic for 3 years has influenced other areas of my life. For my short answer I can’t decide if I should just describe my musical performances/compositions in detail, or write a more general, passionate sounding essay that doesn’t really have any details but shows how much I care about music.</p>

<p>One last question: I have a lot of hobbies that I’m really passionate about, quirky ones like hackeysack, devil sticks, break dancing, etc., but I feel like listing all of them will dilute the amount of effort I put into each one. Should I briefly mention them in the additional section or should I elaborate on each one, or should I just leave them out? It’s not as if I’m extraordinary at any of them; I simply enjoy them.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>