<p>Hey everyone, I'm new at CC, how's it goin'?</p>
<p>I'm a junior in HS, not sure where I wanna go yet but I'm kinda torn between Cornell, Dartmouth, and Brown (of the ivies, I know other colleges do exist...) What are my chances for Cornell arts and sciences based on my stuff so far?</p>
<p>GPA: Around 3.9 (not sure about the weighted, it's weird at my HS)
SATs: not yet, really good PSATs though, 98th percentile
Higher Classes (including next year):
AP US History, AP Bio, AP English, Western Civ (college course), 4 years and honors French, 2 years of honors english and 1 of history (not including APs), honors Chemistry, honors Calculus
All grades B+ to A (except chem...shiver), top 10% of my class
4 years of Band and 1 of Music Theory
Possible majors: History, minor in music, writing or english, political science</p>
<p>Extracurriculars and leadership:
1st President of French National HS
Student Council Executive
Drum Major of pep and new marching band
Lead trumpet in concert, jazz, and pep bands
Editor of literary magazine
A founding member of the journalism club
Varsity Tennis
Academic Bowl
3 years of Science League
Member of Pass-It-Along (service group)</p>
1st Governor's School Nominee for Jazz of my school
Attending American Legion Boys State this summer
Nominated for National Leadership Convention in DC
Nominated for Honors Band Abroad
Member of French and National Honor Societies</p>
<p>And I'm planning on doing a lot more community service this year and summer.</p>
<p>What do you think? Any suggestions for something I'm missing would be appreciated. I took mostly CP classes in freshman year and worked my way up, I hope that's not a negative thing. Although I probably won't major in it, music is a huge part of my life, and I'm really into the whole jazz scene. How would I fit in at Cornell? Thanks for looking!</p>
<p>PS I posted this on Dartmouth and Brown too, not tryin to be redundant but I wanna get a good idea of my options.</p>