What are my chances at Purdue Mechanical Engineering?

I’m an international student currently doing my A levels.

My A level predicted grades are : 5 A*s (in math,physics,chemistry,computer science,and further math) And 1 B (english). I have an SAT score of 1440, and my ECs are as follows : participated in 8 MUNs (six times as a delegate, twice as a chair), member of student council, part of my school football (soccer) and basketball team.

While my ECs are not great, I was hoping my scores would make up for it. What are my chances of getting into Purdue mechanical engineering?

Your chances of admission to Purdue are okay - you are middle of the pack on scores but it’s a big program. It would be helpful if you listed your math and english sat scores as the combined doesn’t really tell the story. But you don’t get admitted to Purdue for ME. You get admitted to the college of engineering and after you complete the core (FYE) engineering courses you apply for an engineering major. Getting into ME is extremely competitive and depends upon how well you do in FYE.

My SAT breakdown is : (650 EBRW, 790 Math), may I ask how that changes things though?