<p>Hey guys so i just finished my junior year in high school and wanted to know my chances for UCSD, Uc Davis, Uc Irvine, Uc Santa Barbara... </p>
<p>Sophomore year
1st semster: </p>
<li>3.5 weighted
-3.3 unweighted </li>
-3.5 weighted
-3.3 un weighted </p>
<p>Junior year: </p>
<p>-2.5 weighted <strong><em>Major reason</em></strong>*
-2.1 unweighted </p>
<p>2nd semster:
4.6 Weighted
4.0 un weighted </p>
<p>I have Sat score of 2190, 3 years varsity tennis, state level chess, medical internship form Dartmouth IVY, over 100 volunteer hours. </p>
<p>So the reason for my 1st semester gap in my junior year was because there was a tragedy to a close one in my family, and it affected me emotionally to the point where i couldn't sleep. </p>
<p>So do u think i have a good chance, and colleges will understand my loss during my first semester? I worked extremely hard my 2nd semester</p>
<p>MY UC GPA IS 3.66.</p>
<p>Your GPA will hurt you for most of the top tier UC’s (UCLA,UCB,UCSD). You should have a chance at UCSB,UCI and UCD if your essay explains the drop in grades. SAT score very good and keep up your EC’s. You may want to add UCSC and UCR in the mix as safeties. Good Luck</p>
<p>UCD: match
UCSB: match
UCI: match
UCSD: low reach</p>
<p>the only reason why UCSD is sort of a reach for you is because they’re very numbers-based. However, the other UCs you’re thinking of applying to are much more lenient compared to the top-tiers. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine
Just write a reallyyyy good essay and stay involved at school.</p>
<p>Chance back for an English/Sociolgy major at UCD, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1609239-chance-a-worried-senior-for-a-few-uc-s-i-ll-chance-back.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1609239-chance-a-worried-senior-for-a-few-uc-s-i-ll-chance-back.html#latest</a></p>
<p>Hey guys so btw, also the reason for the bad gap my 1st semester of my junior year, was because I got My first and only D ever… Do u think i should retake a semester of Ap psych during summer school or do u think i should just leave it.</p>
<p>If you receive anything lower than a C in your senior year, the UC’s could rescind your acceptance. I would imagine that receiving that D in your Junior year (unless you have a good reason which is explained in your essays) would take you out of the running for any UC’s.</p>