<p>Location: CA
College Class Year: 2014
High School: Public
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 4.00
GPA - Weighted: 4.30
Class Rank: top 5 students
Class Size: 570</p>
SAT Math: 670 then 610
SAT Critical Reading: 590 then 600
SAT Writing: 540 then 580
SAT II U.S. History: 620
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 560</p>
<p>Leadership positions: 8th Grade - Vice President
9th Grade - Class President
10th Grade - Class President & Commissioner of Staff Relations
11th - Commissioner of Community Service & Renaissance Club Vice President
12th - I'm going to be ASB President and NHS VP.</p>
<p>Volunteer/Service Work: 250+ hours
Worked many hours at a non-profit children's organization as well as with my youth religious organization.
Honors and Awards: I'm in the California Scholarship Federation since sophomore year and was inducted to the National Honors Society this year.</p>
<p>Colleges of Interest:</p>
<p>College: University of California - San Diego, Choice #: 1
College: University of California - Los Angeles, Choice #: 2
College: University of California - Irvine, Choice #: 3
College: University of California - Berkeley, Choice #: 4
College: University of California - Davis, Choice #: 5
College: University of California - Santa Barbara, Choice #: 6, Legacy: Yes
College: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Choice #: 7, Legacy: Yes</p>
<p>Desired College Characteristics:</p>
<p>Location type: Urban, Small City
Size: Very Large (Over 18,000)</p>
<p>Area: West Coast
Importance of cost: Very important</p>
<p>You’ll get into Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara, and cal poly pretty easily. You have a pretty good chance at getting into San Diego (I would try and raise the SAT’s a little). Berkley and UCLA are probably a slight reach, but you still probably have a decent chance with you’re 4.3. I would try and raise those test scores though. And I probably would have cal poly higher on that list and Irvine a little lower. Just my opinion</p>
<p>If that’s your UC GPA, I agree you’ll probably get into SB, D and I. Your SAT score is about 200 points below the average at SD though (depending on major you could get lucky) and 250 points below average for UCB an LA. You look good for Cal Poly too.</p>
<p>With the strong grades and rank, I’d spend the summer practicing SATs and retake in Sept.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, the UC’s and CSU’s do not consider legacy.</p>
<p>Since I never took a Math Analysis/Pre-calculus course, would that be considered after looking at my SAT Math II score? I didn’t really study for any of the SATs, so would it be possible for me to learn the concepts on the Math II (pre-calc) if I studied for about two weeks? I’m planning on taking the SAT Subject on June 6th and the SAT Reasoning early this fall. If I did well on the ACTs, which I’m taking in June as well and early in the fall would that help make up for my SAT scores if I end up not doing well on them again? Thanks for the input. =]</p>
<p>Norris212, I’m still uncertain on what I want to major in, so I would have Cal Poly higher on the list, but they require a major upon applying. I’ve also heard from several people that attend Cal Poly that it’s very hard to change majors there. However, I am aware that it’s difficult to change majors at many institutions.</p>