What are my chances at various levels?

<p>Hi everyone, I'm a 17 year old incoming senior. race: Indian (as in Apu from the simpsons)
gender: male</p>

ACT: 36 (36 on every section), 8/12 on the writing
SAT II: Math level II: 800, Bio/m: 790
PSAT: got a 217 which may or may not get me NMS (IL cutoff last year was 215)
Micro: 5
Gov: 5
Bio: I think 5
APUSH: 5 for sure
Lang/Comp: definitely 5
taking Chem, Phys, Lit, and BC calc next year</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted
Class Rank: I don't know exact rank but I know I'm in the top 1% out of ~600</p>

4 year slow cross country runner
4 year mediocre tennis player
2 years IHSA speech
2 years Illinois Youth & Government
NHS president
4 years Mathletes
2 years Chess
I've been a member of a local community service organization for 4 years and was an officeholder last year</p>

100+ hours community service
Some various medals and stuff for sports/speech, nothing really that great
I'm working on implementing a few things for NHS, namely setting up a soup kitchen volunteer and organizing a charity movie night
I'm currently spending my whole summer working at an Ophthalmology lab and will be a coauthor on 1, possibly 2 publications.</p>

<p>Special info:
I'm really interested in Ophthalmology and am absolutely in love with the work I'm currently doing. Research really is something I could see myself doing my whole life and I will focus on that heavily in my essays. </p>

<p>So I know I've got a pretty good shot at 'x' state school, but how about somewhere like Northwestern or UofC? Its very intimidating looking at some of your guys' credentials and it makes me wonder if I even have a minute chance at ivy league colleges. So I'd like to know my chances at those elite schools along with slightly lower tier colleges like Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, or UCLA. Please do not feel the need to be nice or sugarcoat things. I want to be hit with a verbal fastball if need be.</p>