What are my chances at Virginia Tech?


Junior in High School


Out of State

I’m also a lesbian if that matters

3.7 UW GPA

All classes are honors

Currently taking AP Calculus AB and AP Language and Composition (my only two AP’s so far simply because my school didn’t let us take any until now)

1280 SAT score


President and Founder of my school’s book club

Chair member of GSA

Vice President of ASL club

Peer Leader (a leadership role within my school)

SkillsUSA competition in March for the manufacturing section.

I’m interested in Engineering

I’m currently taking an Engineering course at my school. At the end of my senior year, I will take a test and will become Siemen’s certified if I pass

I would say you need to finish strong this year and take SAT a few more times. They superscore so they take the best of each section from multiple sections. So if you got a 600 verbal / 680 math on your 1280 score. If you get a 640 verbal and 620 math next time it really counts as a 1320 (640+680). If you can get your best math score up to 700+ that will help.

From this year it appears they favor GPA over SAT though…so getting that GPA up into that 3.8 UW range (and also sounds like your school doesn’t go crazy with weighting … your taking their hardest classes).

A lot of good extra curricular too. And being Hispanic should help as well. I think you have a good shot.