What are my chances for GW ED?

I have reserched GW extensively and fallen in love with it.
Female, Caucasian (Middle-Eastern)
GPA 3.86 unweighted
SAT w/ writing 1320
ACT 29 (should i submit these scores?)
AP World History (5), AP US History (5), AP Languge and Composition (5)
Currently taking:
AP Microeconomics, AP Comp/US Gov, AP French, AP Literature, AP Statistics
Extra Curriculars:
-President and Founder of French Club (3yrs)
-Academic Decathlon (2yrs)
-Part time job (20hrs/week) to help support my family (2yrs)
-Volunteered at homeless shelter and Hillary For America Campaign

(I will need a lot of financial aid, my EFC on FAFSA was 0)

I also attended one of their GW: On the Road informational meetings and applied for the Your GW fly in program. (waiting to hear back about acceptance)

I intend to major in Political Science/International Relations (although History could be a third option)

Thank you for your input!

I also forgot to mention my weighted GPA, which is 4.14.

Your chances are excellent- I’d be very surprised if you don’t get in. I can’t speak for how much aid you’ll receive, but given your EFC, I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t enough to cover your costs (minus you maxing-out Stafford Loans every year).