Chances for ED merit aid?

Hey guys, I posted in this forum a while back about acceptance chances for ED, but my SAT scores went up and I was also wondering what are my chances of receiving a merit scholarship? I absolutely love GW and I really hope I get in!

GPA: 4.05
SAT: 1430 (retaking)
US History: 740
Lit: 750

My school caps AP’s at three per year, that’s why I have so few
-AP World History: 4
-AP US Gov: 5
-AP Writing:5
Also taking AP Comparative Gov, AP Lit, and AP Statistics this year

-Varsity crew team fall winter and spring seasons, 9-12

  • Volunteer at local homeless shelter, 10-12
    -Volunteer at school nurse’s office, 11-12
    -Fellow of a competitive program for public service, interned at a local public officials office as well as met with local, state and federal officials
  • Participant in Social Justice Institute at local homeless shelter 11
  • Officer of women’s leadership club, 11-12
  • Member of mental health awareness club, 9-12
    -Member of Model UN club, 10-12
    -Member of Students Advocating for Gender Equality,10-12
    -Volunteer on two city council campaigns, 12

-National Honor Society, 11-12
-National Latin Exam Silver Medalist, 9-10
-Award at local Model UN conference, 11
-AP Scholar, 11
I go to a super rigorous, huge, top ranked public high school in the Northeast if that helps, I’m probably top 20% of my class

Intended Majors: Political Science and International Affairs

Your GPA is good, your SAT is great, and you’ve got fantastic EC’s which line up with your intended field of study… not to mention you sound like a good fit for the school based on me reading in between the lines of your application. I’d be shocked if you didn’t get in: but be warned that I’ve been shocked before.

As far as getting a merit based award; it traditionally is harder to get money when you apply ED. However, I still think you’ve got a shot at getting some form of the presidential scholarship here. It gives anywhere from $5k to $30k annually. Be aware though, I’ve talked with people with similar stats as yours who have gotten no money at all, and others as high as ~$25k. This is because GW takes in to consideration the “whole person” involved in the application. Unique EC’s, crazy experiences, and especially demographics have the potential to play an even more important role than GPA when it comes to the scholarships here.

If getting merit money is a make-it-or-break-it deal for you with regards to GW, and if it’s your #1 choice, then I may suggest applying RD. It will be easier to get a large merit award that way. The trade off is that it is slightly harder to gain admission to in general, but it’s an option worth considering. I’m not advising you one way or the other; only you can make that call. But the more information, the better.

Ok thanks so much for your comments and advice! And merit aid isn’t really a make it or break it situation but I would just like to know if I had a shot at receiving some sort of aid.