What are my chances for Ivy leagues/Stanford?

<p>I'm currently going to be a senior at my school in northern california
GPA: 4.42
Rank: Within top 15 out of 500-600 students
AP's: AP Physics C, AP Chem, AP Bio, AP Env., AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, AP Us, AP World, AP Art History, AP English Lang.
I do have two B's from freshman year though.
SAT Score: 800 Math, 760 Writing, 710 CR (Will retake in October)
SAT 2's: Math IIC 800, Physics 760, Chem 780, Lit 730 (lol fail)</p>

<p>My extra curriculars are mostly music/fencing related. I've been playing cello since I was 6, and I am the principal cellist in the local youth orchestra, and I am a recipient of several scholarships and have won or placed in many competitions locally, statewide, and few national.
I've been fencing at a local club in the Bay Area for 5-6 years.
Volunteering: Treasurer of key club (100 hours), Secretary (NHS), Playing at Nursing homes (100 hours)</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting into top private schools?</p>