<p>GPA: 3.86
Rank: 15
SAT: reading: 550 math: 770 writing: 650</p>
<p>Activities: Basketball, Tennis, FBLA (president)</p>
<p>Got selected for Boys' State </p>
<p>What are my chances for Stern?</p>
<p>GPA: 3.86
Rank: 15
SAT: reading: 550 math: 770 writing: 650</p>
<p>Activities: Basketball, Tennis, FBLA (president)</p>
<p>Got selected for Boys' State </p>
<p>What are my chances for Stern?</p>
<p>I don’t know too much about the program, but additional information would be helpful for anyone else who does.</p>
<p>Rank 15 out of how many?
What are your two SAT II scores?</p>
<p>Based on a very limited set of information (5th top business school in the country according to US News and World Reports, anecdotal evidence from CC threads in the past calling it one of the hardest schools to get into at NYU), I’d call it a reach/high match. However, I know nothing of business schools whatsoever, but I could be dead wrong.</p>
<p>Give more information and it might be more helpful when someone who knows what they’re talking about comes along.</p>
<p>I will be quite frank (not harsh, just truthful)</p>
<p>Based off your stats, not very good…</p>
<p>The average SAT score for undergrads at Stern (taken right from their website) is 1435. While your math score is great, your verbal score lacks greatly. Do you have time to squeeze in a retake? I’d be happy to supply you with tips on how to increase you CR score (increased mine from 590 to 690 in a month)</p>
<p>Moving on though, your GPA is not bad at all, though I’d try to get your rank up even more if possible.</p>
<p>As for ECs, I don’t see anything too extraordinary. Is there any major passion that you have that can come out in your essays?</p>
<p>Now I started earlier with “Based off your stats…”
That was there for a reason. I made an objective analysis based on what you typed up (which tells me next to nothing of your personality).</p>
<p>It <em>may</em> be possible for you to make Stern with truly outstanding essays. It happens all the time: Applicants that may be labeled “under qualified” get accepted to top universities. Why? because they wrote compelling essays.</p>
<p>So my suggestions to you: If you have time, work on bringing the SAT up, and increase a few spots in ranks.
Most importantly, though, concentrate on one or two things you are PASSIONATE about… then write your essays about those things</p>
<p>** Also, you’ve written nothing about course load, APs? Honors? **</p>
<p>Is English your first language?</p>