what are my chances for these [elite] schools?

<p>Newbyreborn, I hope your kidding, because its insult to your own intelligence if are seriously making that claim.</p>

<p>shinsplints, what is your prospective major? If you want to get into Stanford engineering then the odds are GREATLY stacked against you. Otherwise you might have a small chance. One guy from my school go into stanford early, and he had a 3.6 gpa I think? Not great board scores but more ECs than you could possibly imagine. Several national awards for different science things. </p>

<p>Colleges brag that they reject 1600 4.0gpa people all the time. No one cares about 10 points, its not going to make or break an application. Columbia and Harvard I know for a fact rejects students with intimidating academic records all the time. Grades mean nothing unless you have a passion and it shows, when applying to HYPS anyways, that doesn't mean there is no chance, its just going to be very unlikely. You could definately get into alot of the schools on your list so best of luck.</p>

<p>oh thanks. lol</p>

<p>and guess what. just got the writing report back. apparently i was completely wrong, and my essay was perfect. but my multiple choice sucked. wow. i am surprised. it's too late to register for the jan sat2, but can someone explain to me how "stand bys" work? ...can i still get in?</p>

<p>"i just love running" ... weird jk</p>

<p>Why are u applying to amherst and harvard?
One is a small liberal arts. The other is a huge world-renown research center.
To me you're another one who cares only about prestige and not much about what you LEARN.</p>

<p>haha, running is awesome. go hurdles. </p>

<p>lol...i don't really know why i put amherst on that list. i was reading about it and it looked cute at the time. i usually get caught up in the school that i'm researching, and i'm also looking into quite a variety of schools. hope some of ya'll can relate. </p>

<p>and hey, nothing wrong with a bit of prestige... ;)</p>

<p>I'd recommend looking at the UCs. Duke/Yale/princeton don't seem to fit your resume meaning that they aren't especially looking for students like you while the UCs are.</p>