What are my chances for these?

<p>Can i have a score from 1-10 for each of these colleges? Thanks everyone. xD</p>


<p>Highly Rated Public School: A few students admitted to the ivies each year</p>

<p>Class Rank: Somewhere in top 10%. 6% i believe is the exact (large student body)</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.9</p>

Junior Year:
Honors Pre-Calc A
AP Chemistry 2 A
AP US History A
AP Music Theory A
CADD (Computer Aided Design and Drafting) A
Pre-Engineering 3 A
Gym A
AP English A
AP Computer Science A</p>

<p>Senior Year Courses Will Be:
BC Calculus
AP Physics 2
AP European History
AP Spanish 4
AP English
Pre-Engineering 4
Health 2</p>

<p>I did recieve three B's one semester of my freshman year, but brought it back to a 4.0 for my second semester.</p>

<p>PSAT: 2120 </p>

<p>College Courses:
Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh A
Biology at Harvard A</p>

<p>Extra-Curriculars and Etc.:</p>

<p>· Key Club (Freshman – Junior Year)
o Sophomore: Assistant Project Chair
o Junior: Project Chair/Head of the Project Committee
o Both of the above organize volunteer activities and fundraisers for the club.
· Israeli Culture Club (Freshman – Junior Year)
o Junior: Secretary/Treasurer
· Robert Morris PRIME Engineering Camp (Freshman Summer)
o Two week camp on Robert Morris’s campus taking classes and participating in engineering activities.
· Engineering Workshops (Freshman – Sophomore Year)
o Workshops at various local colleges in Computer Programming, Engineering, and Robotics.
· Stage Crew (Sophomore – Junior Year)
o Junior: Assistant Technical Crew Chief
o Sophomore and Junior Year: Light Crew/Spotlight
o Have worked on the spring musical, acting two plays, African-American history play, etc.
· Science Olympiad (Sophomore - Junior)
o Competed in Fossils, Epidemiology, and Remote Sensing
o 1st at regionals
· Math Mentoring (Sophomore – Junior)
o Tutoring struggling elementary school students in mathematics (Minadeo)
· Band (Freshman – Junior)
o Junior: Brass and Low Woodwinds Section Captain
o Saxophone Soloist
o Concert Band
o Marching Band
o Festival Band
· Science Bowl (Junior)
o Focus on Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences.
· Math Team (Junior)
· CMU Center for Molecular Analysis
o Wanting an exposure to research at the University level, I contacted the head of CMU’s Center for Molecular Analysis looking for any volunteer possibilities. We were able to work out a volunteer program once a week where I assist in research, shadow, and learn organic chemistry along with microbiology. The experience has given me a great deal of knowledge in mass spectroscopy, Chemistry, and Biology, while also giving me and exposure to university-level research.
· Chemistry at University of Pittsburgh
· AP Music Theory
o Having a study hall Monday-Wednesday opposite my Chemistry class I saw online that there was a Music Theory AP. Having a passion for music, I approached Mr. Lee about creating a class and he was able to create the class. Giving a handful of students an opportunity to learn music composition and theory.
· National Honor Society
· Student Government
· National Merit Commended
· Westinghouse Nuclear Shadowing
o Shadowed Westinghouse’s nuclear engineering facility in order to gain an understanding of what a nuclear engineer actually does on a day-to-day basis.
· National Engineers Week Volunteering
o Volunteered with the American Nuclear Society and Betchel Bettis at the Carnegie Science Center’s National Engineer’s Week. Taught students the basics of submarines, buoyancy, and radiation through demonstrations.
· Dental Office Shadowing (Sophomore – Junior)
o Since eighth grade I have had an interest in medicine and dentistry. To pursue this passion and learn more about the career paths I shadowed at a dentist’s office and an orthodontist’s office, giving me an exposure to the actual work that each career path involves.</p>

<p>Sorry about the format, a lot was copied and pasted. I'm currently a junior and hopefully my GPA and class rank will go up. In the meantime, what do you think my chances are based on the above stats?</p>

<p>Schools I'd like to know my chances for:

<p>Thanks everyone and sorry for any typos, i was trying to finish before I went to sleep. xD</p>

<p>P.S. I want to major in BioChemistry and will most likely go pre-med. I'm Native American (if that helps?), and I'm planning on pushing my passions for academics and my love for medicine. Thanks again!</p>

<p>[EDIT: My PSAT qualified for National Merit Commended, but my state cut-off is high and I was two points away from the Semi-finalist cut-off]</p>

<p>whats your sat score? and ap? and holy cow you have a LOT of ec's</p>

<p>Haven't taken SAT's yet, but I'm assuming it will turn out around 2120.
AP's haven't been taken either, I'm still a junior. Hopefully I will have 4/5's on most with the exception of Us History (we have a weak US History program). And SAT II's i will probably take Biology and Chemistry. I'm pretty confident (knock on wood) that I will score high 700's in each.</p>

<p>ah... well if you can raise SAT to even the 2200s, i think you have a great shot</p>

I'm Native American (if that helps?)

it does help</p>

<p>Someone pleasseee give me 1-10 scores for each school. :( Thannkkssssss</p>

<p>[No offense to previous posts.. thanks xDDD I realized this sounded rude after i posted it -.-]</p>

<p>You have very impressive ECs, and that will probably help a lot, your grades and class rank are in the ballpark, and the Native American URM thing will be very helpful, but a 2120 total SAT is (believe it or not) below average or just about average for all of these schools. Brown, Princeton, Stanford, and Dartmouth would be a reach for you, for sure, even as a URM. Emory and JHU a reach/match. You have to understand that so many kids who apply to these schools have GPAs, ECs, and a class rank as good as yours, and better SATs. To be competitive with all these kids, you should get your SATs above 2200, though I have to say that if you can top 2200, that and your URM status will probably get you in to at least a couple of these schools. (And, admittedly, even a 2120 with the URM status may get you in.)</p>

<p>My suggestion - take an SAT study course or get some tutoring. It can help. Also, consider other, somewhat less selective schools as backups. For example, have you considered Brandeis? William and Mary? Colgate? All good schools and all a bit easier to get into than HPYSM. Finally, come back here after you've gotten your SAT scores. Then you should be able to get a more realistic assessment of your chances.</p>

<p>Stanford - random, but a decent shot b/c of URM status
Emory - match
Dartmouth - slight reach, but an excellent shot
Princeton - see stanford
Brown - slight reach, but, again, a great shot
Hopkins - match</p>

<p>ultimately, your essays will be a large factor in the adcom's decision...start working on them now! best of luck, you clearly have a bright future.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>NATIVE AMERICAN????!?!?</p>

<p>Male or Female?</p>

<p>If you're female, GO FOR MIT!</p>

<p>Holy cow, Native American females get it easy.</p>

<p>you'll get in everywhere you apply. the simple fact of being native american overshadows everything else in college admissions. they want you. they need you. for stats that is. </p>

<p>i mean, you'll get in as long as you're no idiot. i didnt have time to read that laundry list of activities.</p>

<p>I agree with the above poster about the Native American status. You are in for sure at Dartmouth because they are very committed to taking Native American applicants. You also have a great chance everywhere else.</p>

<p>wow native american urm, you have a great shot everywhere. good luck</p>

<p>[bump-ness] bumpy bump bump</p>

<p>native american + anything over 2200 = in anywhere</p>

<p>not really, but being native american helps a lot, even more black or hispanic urm :)</p>

<p>I dunno...several kids who have native american background were rejected from top schools at my school.</p>


<p>a d m i s s i o n c h a n c e s . com</p>

<p>native american = acceptance to all schools </p>

<p>Two native americans at my school got into harvard and princeton.</p>

<p>GPA = ~3.0 and ~3.2 respectively.</p>

<p>Maybe its because one of them was the leader of his own tribe.</p>

<p>So yes, your in.</p>

<p>Being Native American is not enough to get admitted anywhere.</p>

<p>Over 200 applied to Harvard, and only 21 were admitted....which is about 10%, roughly the same percentage (9%) of all students admitted....</p>

<p>Guys, this thread is about MY chances, not of native americans' chances in general. :-P What are my chances with MY stats? Thanks. xD</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>