<p>I am an Asian-American. Next year I am going to be a senior in high school, so I want to know what you guys think my chances are.</p>
<p>I go to a nationally ranked school. According to USNews, my school is ranked 4th in the nation, and 2nd in the state of California. (would this make a difference to colleges?*)</p>
9: (My 9th grade year was horrid)
English 1H B-/B+
Health/Business B+/A
Alg2/Trig H B/B
Orchestra A+/A
P.E. A-/A+
Spanish 2 B-/B-
Biology HP C-/A-</p>
English 2H A-/A-
Health/Business A/A
Pre-Calc H B+/A-
Orchestra A/A
Spanish 3 A-/A-
World History H A-/A
Chemistry H A-/A-
AP Music Theory A/A</p>
AP Eng. Lang. A-/A-
Accounting 1 A/A-
AP Calc AB A-/B+
Orchestra A/A
AP US History A-/A-
Physics HP A-/A-</p>
<p>12: (going to take)
AP Eng. Lit.
AP Calc BC
AP Gov.
AP Psych
Virtual Enterprise</p>
<p>SAT: I don't remember the exact number but it was 2200+
SAT II: Plan on taking during senior year (Korean & I'm not sure what others)</p>
Instrumental Music Council for 3 Years (Soph - Senior: President during senior)
JV Volleyball for 2 years, Varsity Volleyball 2 Years
Cross Country for 3 years (Soph - Senior)
Speech and Debate for 2 years (Junior-Senior)
Key Club for 3 years (Soph - Senior: Treasurer for Junior Year)</p>
Church Student Leadership Team (Media/Sound Technician)
AWANA Club teacher for Church kids for 4 Years (Sundays during School Year)
Christian Academy Teacher Assistant for 4 Years (Summer)
Won several competitions and CM for Cello (Been playing since 3rd grade)
Out-Of-School orchestras for 10th-12th grade</p>
<p>Thanks for taking the time to read this! Please chance me!</p>
<p>Are you applying for engineering at the UC’s, or an unweighted major?</p>
<p>redvelvetcake - Just sayinig, red velvet cake is by far my favorite dessert.
<p>Okay, as for chances: can you just give me your unweighted GPA and class rank? That would be far more helpful.</p>
<p>2200 or higher isn’t specific… what was your composite? For an Asian, the difference between a 2210 and a 2350 can often be huge, especially since most Asians have very high test scores.</p>
<p>I predict that you will almost certainly be admitted to UCSD. You’re a solid candidate for UCLA and UCB, but I wouldn’t count on acceptances from those two, they’re quite selective (the most selective public schools in the nation). But with great essays and good teacher recs, it’s quite possible that both will accept you.</p>
<p>As for Stanford, it’s gonna take some killer essays that showcase passion and intellect. I don’t really know much about CalTech admissions, can’t help ya there.</p>
<p>Best of luck! :)</p>
<p>First off, the fact that your school is so highly regarded may be a good thing in your admissions, so their are no worries there. They would most likely overlook a few lower grades in the more competitive classes( honors math/English, etc.). It certainly does not help your admission though that you are an Asian Male with strong, yet somewhat predictable E.Cs.-> Music/Orchestra. Speech and Debate may help because more and more Asians are adapting that E.C in lieu of a sport, which your involvement in volleyball shows that you are clearly both physically active and able to meet the demands of an academic team. 9th grade year will be overlooked due to UC and Standford policies, however, it may hurt you greatly for Caltech. All in all though, good grades, above average E.Cs and solid classes. If your SAT is more than a couple dozen points over 2200, then it is clear that…<br>
UCB:Low Reach, your essay will determine if your admissions.
UCLA: Low Reach, your essay is also key here as well( and in nearly every college)
UCSD: Match, your stats are probably well above the average applicant, but don’t be too confident, although you will most likely get in by a long shot.<br>
Stanford: Reach, but with a possibility of admittance. Try to woo the admins with your persuasive dialect and whatnot that you acquired during speech (lol).<br>
Caltech: If you apply engineering, you might want to slap yourself right now for wasting 90-100 bucks. However, if you applied undeclared, just be yourself( as long as it doesn’t give away the fact that you are an Asian American Male.)</p>
<p>At UC’s, HS prestige is not a factor at all.</p>
<p>@Loncria, I agree with everything you said; however, I think the OP is an Asian female. OP did JV Volleyball 2 years then Varsity Volleyball 2 years.</p>
<p>If you’re fluent in Korean, taking the SAT II on the language won’t look as amazing even if you get an 800, nor will it hurt you… but since you’re thinking of CalTech be sure to take Math II and get above 750+. Same with the SAT-R. Remember, you’re up against thousands of other applicants.</p>
<p>Sorry, I didn’t quite catch on to that fact. Well, that really doesn’t alter the validity of my suggestions, just continue working hard!</p>
<p>For UCB UCLA and UCSD, if you are ELC at your school, then you’re in.
Unlike what one above poster said, HS prestige does matter, actually to a quite great extent. From our school, I think pretty much every single ELC person has gotten into either berkeley or LA in the past 5 years, and Berkeley admits 60-80 each year from a class of 550. </p>
<p>Sat II korean won’t help you at all, get the math down if you want to have a fighting chance at Caltech or MIT (I think they’ll immediately dismiss your application if you don’t have that, since its “strongly recommended” unless you’re like a USAMO or top ARML, or some other outstanding math awards that would prove your abilities)
Take another sat II in the area that you intend to major in.</p>
<p>As for stanford, that’ll come down to how well you can differentiate yourself from the other applicants.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/954601-hypsm-hopeful-chances-2.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/954601-hypsm-hopeful-chances-2.html</a></p>
<p>Oh, What is ELC? And how exactly do you qualify for it?</p>
<p>top 4% of your class, GPA wise</p>
<p>Even if you’re not ELC, i’d still say you’re in at all 3 of those schools.</p>