What are my chances for very selective schools?

<p>I had a 4.0 GPA all throughout high school, and currently am 4th out of a class of 125
AP Classes taken
Calc AB-5
US History-3

<p>AP Classes currently taking:
AP English Comp & Lit
AP Physics 1</p>

<p>I've participated in these extra-curriculars:
Academic Challenge<br>
Math Team<br>
Chess Club<br>
Italian Club (VP)<br>
Drama Club<br>
Guitar Club (Founder/President)<br>
Concert/Jazz/Marching Band- Flute<br>
National Honor Society (Secretary)</p>

<p>HOWEVER, my Sat composite is (Dun Dun Dun...) an 1810
620 Math
630 CR
560 Writing </p>

<p>I haven't been scored yet on my Math 2 and Physics Subjects tests though</p>

<p>I haven't been able to focus so much on the SAT because I didn't prepare in advance enough</p>

<p>Should I re-take it and send it in January? My essays are very strong and so are my letters of recommendation.</p>

<p>I'm interested in Tufts, Columbia, and NYU</p>

<p>The 2 low AP scores, 4th class rank with a 4.0 GPA, and low SAT would make colleges think that your school is very lenient when it comes to handing out high GPAs, I don’t believe it is necessary to tell AP scores to colleges so that may not be a concern, but definitely study hard to retake the SAT. Average accepted applicants at those schools have around a 2150-2200 SAT score, As of right now, they’re all reaches. With 2150-2200 SAT, NYU and Tufts would become low matches and Columbia would be a match.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate even though its harsh considering how much I feel different about what you said. It is easy to think my school do hand out GPA’s easily because of my low standardized test scores, but even so I do think I have the potential to score high on the SAT’s, I just haven’t studied enough for them. I will definitely shoot for the 2200 range since I think it is possible.</p>

<p>And by the way, when you say a “low” match, what do you mean by that?</p>

<p>Also, you’re saying that I shouldn’t send my AP scores at all?</p>

<p>I agree about not sending in AP scores. I don’t know about NYU but your scores make Columbia and Tufts extremely unlikely. I would look for some SAT optional schools.</p>

<p>Are you serious? SAT optional schools? Yes, an 1800 in terms of selective schools is low, but it is not deathly low, maybe if I scored a 1300 or something. I may be off, but not by light years. And by the way, I will be retaking the SAT.</p>

<p>Your plan to study for the SAT and take it in January makes sense. That said, there’s nothing wrong with SAT optional schools. The 25% for SATs for Tufts and Columbia is 690/700 for each (WR, CR, M).</p>

<p>Alright, I just took it that you thought I did so poorly I should just apply to schools that don’t even consider the test.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me my chances if I have the same stats but with a ~2200 SAT score?</p>

<p>Much higher…how do you plan to study? I got a tutor, and she had me do 1-2 tests a week, plus sections of math from a SAT math test book (as well as an SAT practice test booklet for the 1-2 tests). She would look over them (after I tallied what I got wrong and right) and would focus the lessons on what I struggled with (the lessons were two hours and held every week from end of Feb. to beginning of June when my test was). So I heavily suggest you have someone to help you identify what you need help in. </p>