What are my chances here...??

<p>Alright, hey everyone, my name is mike and im a senior at a competitive high school in southern florida, and well-im reallly set on applying to Harvard this year EA and want to know what my overall chances are
So heres a quick little go down on what i have to offer them</p>

American History-710


<p>Freshman year-
English 1 Honors-A
Spanish I Honors-A
Spanish II Honors-A
Algebra I Honors-A
Geometry Honors-B
Career Reasearching Honrs-A
Integrated Science Honrs-A
Physical Eduaction-A
Drafting I-A</p>

<p>Sophmore Year
Biology Honors-A
AP Biology-A (3 on exam)
Ap World History-A (3 on exam)
Spanish III Honors-A
English II Honors-A
Algebra II Honors-A
Drafting II-A</p>

<p>Junior Year
AP American History-A (5 on exam)
AP Chemistry-B (3 on exam)
AP American Government-A (5 on exam)
AP English Literature-A (4 on exam)
Spanish IV Honors-A
PreCalc Honors-B
Anatomy & Physiology-A</p>

<p>Senior Year(schedule so far)
AP Calculus AB
AP European History
AP MAcro &Micro Economics
AP Spanish Literature
AP English Literature</p>

<p>Extra Currics
3 Years of FCA
2 years of Key Club-VP
2 years of NHS-VP
3 Cross Country Varsity letters-Districts and Regional Compettion
2 Varisty Letters in Soccer (3 years altogether)
3 Varsity Track Awards- 3 School Records Ranked 5th in the State at the half mile with a 1:56
Job at Country Club for 2 years
MVP of Track season my junior year</p>

<p>I have talked to the harvard track coach over the summer and he is very interested in me along with the harvard coach and might put me on his "Recruit List"... Will this help me if im on this list? What are my overall chances to getting into Harvard??? My uncle also went thereā€¦Thanks, and God Bless,

<p>Well, I guess that if the Harvard guy is interested in you, you might have a chance. If not, I'd say that your test scores are a bit on the lower side for those admitted to Harvard (no offense, because those scores are great for anywhere else except the top three). Your EC's are decent because you show leadership in them, but other than that, they're not extraordinary. The real answer I have here is that I don't know what exactly your chances are, and I can bet that most of the other people on this forum don't know either. People like you and me post these topics for some kind of reassurance, but we will finally know when the letter from Harvard comes in the mail around december (if you're doing EA).</p>