What are my chances into UCSD, UCLA, UCI, and UCSB?

<p>Weighted GPA: 3.9
Un-weighted GPA: ~ 3.6</p>

<p>SAT 1: Total score: 1960.
Math: 740
Reading: 600
Writing: 620</p>

<p>SAT 2: Haven't taken yet but going to be conservative with the scores:
Physics: 620
Math 2: 650
US History: 640</p>

<p>EC: Not much, I tutor here and there. ~80 hours. Going to keep tutoring in my senior year though. Do UC's even check community service hours?</p>

<p>I am an Asian student. Parents are making well below 20K a year. First generation going to college.</p>

<p>Plan to major in computer science.</p>

<p>So what are my chances? Top choice would be UCSD, UCLA, then UCSB and then same throughout.</p>


<p>Oh and I live in San Diego if that is any help :)</p>

<p>I’m only a graduating high school senior (don’t think high school students should reply to chances threads), but my stats are very similar to yours! I have a 4.0 W UC GPA, 3.65 UW, 1940 SAT, 650 SAT II US History, 650 SAT II Math II, etc. President of NHS/CSF, Key Club, about 100 volunteer hours. White, < $40,000 income, first gen., majoring in bio.</p>

<p>The only reason I posted that laundry list is because this year, I was accepted at UCSD (where i’m going!) and UCSB, rejected at UCI, didn’t apply to UCLA.
I can’t say what your chances are but we seem to have similar stats so that has to mean a little something right?! Good luck!</p>

<p>No worries, you’ll probably get into UCSD and UCLA.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies!!</p>

<p>Good to know some of the accepted had the same stats as me!!</p>