What are my chances of getting into A&M?

<p>So, I go to a REALLY small private school. There are 10 in my graduating class. I am third out of those 10. Would A&M treat my school like home school? That's what I heard, but I am not 100% sure if that's true.
SAT: Overall 1690
Math: 530
Reading: 560
Writing: 600
I intend to re-take the SAT in October; I've been studying often and hope to get a minimum 1200 CR&M score.
GPA: 3.55
Basketball (starting five and power forward) , starring in a few plays, attending acting classes, cooking club, pro-life club, ongoing activity in church, being a leader in the Youth for Life speaker team in my area, academic awards, three jobs on my resume, 3 college hours, National Honor Society member(and treasurer of the NHS at my school), about 150 hours of community service.
I did Essays A, B, & C. All three were very personal.
Also, I understand some colleges take racial status into consideration? I'm Indian.
What are my chances getting in with my current CR&M scores and what are the chances with at least a 1200 CR&M score?</p>

<p>Your input is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Someone please? :)</p>

<p>what major?</p>


<p>You have a decent chance when you retake the sat just send in those scores. and go from there.</p>

<p>You need to get your SAT scores up. Otherwise you should be fine. The acceptance rate a couple years ago was 70%; A&M is not terribly selective.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input, guys! Is a 1200 CR&M score reasonable to attain(taking into consideration my previous scores)?</p>

<p>you might try ACT as well. Some simply do better on one or the other - and it doesn’t matter to A&M which you use. You do need to get your score up a bit.
It seems like I remember small private schools - don’t know what the number student cut off is - do fall into the home schooled catagory.
If I were you, I would make an appt and visit a Prospective Student Center in your area. Your visit is noted by admissions, you have a contact you can call for questions, and your questions can be answered about your specific situation. Make an official campus visit and visit the dept of Communications. These are also noted by admissions, show interest in A&M and it is an important part of the review process if you do fall into the review admit catagory.</p>

<p>Thank you for your input. I heard the ACT has a science section, but I’m not as great at science as I am in writing/english/reading.</p>

<p>Although my school does not rank, A&M picked a rank for me. I am in the 1st quarter of my class. Is this decent?</p>

<p>Sorry to be a nag, but can anyone answer the question above this post?</p>

<p>That is a good class rank. With an SAT over 1300 and that class rank you can get an auto admit. You should try to get over 1200 over 550 M on the SAT now.</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply. I have been studying a lot leading up to my Oct. 1st SAT and I have a math tutor. Is it possible to raise my math score that much?</p>



<p>I believe SAT math scores can change quite rapidly. My S was below 50 percentile rank in math in 7th grade, when he took the SAT as a member of Duke U TIP program. Two years after TIPs, he took the PSAT as a sophomore, after a couple of courses in algebra and he got a 92 percentile rank (61 in M). This summer, he took about 6 tests from the CB blue book and his scores went up from 60 to 70+ in practice tests. So, I know the math scores can jump very quickly. By the way, my S will be taking the SAT Oct 1 too.</p>

<p>not to derail thread, but can a higher test score make up for a low rank? I am ranked 43% at my school with a 2110 SAT(1400 MATH+CR) with a retake coming in Oct. I know the average SAT is much lower than this but 88% of TAMU’s class is in the top quarter and i’m worried</p>

<p>biochemtx, Depending on the school attended and difficulty of classes, it is possible to explain a low class rank. Since, I do not know the school you attend, classes you took in freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years or your grades, it is hard to comment.</p>

<p>biochemtx: Those are near exceptional scores. I’ve heard of colleges seeing low rank/grades but high SAT scores, which shows there might have been difficulty/rigor in course work. What extracurriculars and volunteer work did you get involved with? If you are that worried, I would suggest talking to an admissions counselor.
perazziman: Thanks for your input. I will just study hard and hope and pray I get higher scores!</p>

<p>It is a competitive public high school, but i don’t think that is very relevant( tamu gets apps from hundreds of high schools, do they really recognize names?). I’ve taken the most rigorous course load available but have at times done poorly, hence my poor class rank. The poor grades were due to lack of motivation rather than inability to keep up. I took an AP course over the summer and received an A, and I am currently taking 4 AP classes right now and I have high As(95+) in all courses. The problem is that I won’t be able to send in 1st semester transcript before jan 15 deadline.</p>

<p>Also some minor additional info: I am an AP scholar, and have pretty mediocre ECs (at least i think i do,i don’t know the caliber of the ECs of other tamu applicants). I played basketball for 2 years, as well as summer league basketball, intramural basketball, reffed kids basketball for a few months as a job. I will have either 40 or 50 volunteer hours by the time i apply. I am officer in one club, and co-founded another humanitarian/ philanthropy club this year which already has 35+ members</p>



<p>That and the problem that you did not start working harder on building your gpa/ class rank by sophomore or Junior year. Bottom line, there is no way of knowing if Admissions Officers at TAMU would be convinced you are serious about persuing a four year college program after seeing just one good semester from you. Clearly, you are smart, did well on the SATs and got 4s and 5s on AP tests on subjects that matter. Based on just that you have a shot at getting in, but you never know. So, I hope you have applied to some other schools with deadlines that are further along in the year.</p>



<p>I think you are underestimating A&M Admissions. They have stats on all schools. They know the average PSAT/ SAT scores at every school. They know how many National Merit & AP scholars etc come out of your school. So, for example, if you went to a school with a class of 500 students in which more than 20 were National Merit semifinalists and another 40 or 50 were commended, then Admissions would know that failure to be in the top 25 percent does not mean you are unmotivated or unable to handle college courses. On the other hand, if you went to a regualr school and could not make the top 25 percent, then Admissions may see you as someone who would have difficulty in college.</p>