What are my chances of getting into Dartmouth and Princeton?

If someone could take the time out of their busy day to determine my chances of making Dartmouth and/or Princeton, I would be forever grateful.

I would first and foremost like to point out the fact that I go to a very uncompetitive high school in the Midwest; my graduating class is projected at a mere 180 students. On that same note, my school also doesn’t offer any AP or Honors classes. However, my school does offer dual credit courses. I am a current high school junior, and I’m taking as many difficult classes as I can, and I plan on taking a pretty difficult slate my senior year, including dual credit chemistry, calculus, and College English, among others.

Now for the stats:
GPA: 4.0 unweighted (my school doesn’t weight GPA, and like I said before, I don’t know how great this GPA is given the complete lack of AP and honors classes)
ACT: 31 (33 English, 31 Math, 33 Reading, 28 Science) This score is for ACT without writing, but I plan on taking the ACT with writing this April
PSAT: 182
SAT: I have not taken the SAT, and I don’t plan on taking it. Given my PSAT score relative to my ACT score, it is quite apparent that the ACT is a better fit for me.
Extracurriculars: 3 years of soccer thus far, World Language Club (few awards), Scholar Bowl (AKA Academic Bowl), FBLA, NHS, Math Team (multiple awards), Constitution Project (a state wide competition: school has won once, my individual group won 1st two separate times), 100 volunteer hours in various activities

I’m not entirely sure how legacy works, but my uncle attended Princeton and is an interviewer for prospective students. I’m also from a middle-lower class white family.

I know that both schools are likely fairly large reaches, and I therefore have plenty of safe schools lined up; however, you can’t blame me for trying to get the best available education possible. Any and all input would be helpful, have a great day!

I would also like to point out that given my perfect GPA, I am number one in my class (It’s an 8 way tie, at the moment). My recommendations are also likely to be amazing. And my essay should be pretty spectacular as well. Thank you

I think you’re cutting it quite close if not questionable with your test scores. However, your admission will most likely hinge on your essays and recs. I see:
Princeton: High Reach
Dartmouth:Low Reach

chance me?

Could someone also recommend some other possible schools for me? I don’t have a major selected, and my parents can’t contribute anything to my college, so I’ll need financial assistance.


Ivy plus schools (Ivy, U of Chicago, MIT, Stanford) are actually some of the best schools to consider for those with limited financial resources. In most instances, they will provide a much better financial package than your own state schools. For instance, at 80k annual family income, the cost out of pocket at Yale, where tuition, room and board, top just over 60k, would literally be nothing–and include RT ticket home every year and a laptop. That said, your 31 while very solid for most schools, is right on the border, especially for Princeton. You will have to make a compelling personal statement and essay to take it to the finish line…

You should apply to Questbridge - they have a summer program in Chicago that includes presentations on applying to selective colleges along with a college fair comprised of schools that promise to meet 100% of your demonstrated need. There is a list of partner schools on their website. Maybe Carelton College or Grinnell would be ideal for you geographically. Rice, maybe? Work very hard on your essays and ECs.

Thanks everyone for the replies!

@Cornhuskerfan49 I can’t help but be curious about whether your GCs are writing 8 amazing recommendations.