What are my chances of getting into RISD?

I’m applying to colleges this coming fall, and the only art specified school I’m going to apply to is RISD. It’s basically my dream school but I’m not sure what my chances are of getting in.

ACT- 32 for composite, 10/12 for essay: english 36, math 30, reading 31, science 33
SAT- 1340

weighted gpa- 3.92, but probably gonna move up after first semester

EC: I’ve been involved in art club all three previous years. I’m very active in theatre and stage crew and have been all three previous years. I’m a Thespian and will be doing NHS in the fall. I’ve auditioned and performed in two variety shows with my school. I received multiple art awards and placements in art shows in my district. I’ve done aerial dance (silks, trapeze, etc.) for five years now with many performances. I’ve had one part-time job. I volunteer at my dance studio and Feed My Starving Children.

I did the SAIC (School at the Art Institute of Chicago) early college program last year and received A’s, and I’m going for the residential program this summer.

I haven’t received scores on the AP Lang/Comp or the AP Physics 1 test yet, but I’m expected a 4/5 and 2/3 respectively. My class load next year includes AP Lit, AP Studio Art, AP Art History, AP Calc, AP Italian 4, sociology, and yoga. I plan on taking all 5 tests in April 2019 (That’s probably irrelevant but whatever).

My portfolio has some cool things but I have a lot of planning to do for the prompted requirement projects.

If you have any feedback for me, please reply!!

I was admitted last semester RD and am part of RISD’s class of 2022. I can only share my experience but hope this can be of some use. :slight_smile:

First of all, my grades and ACT were actually both a bit lower than yours, 7 APs, multiple honors courses. Seems like you have a heavy workload next year, so good luck balancing that.

As for EC’s, you do seem to have interesting ones, and a pretty diverse range. Try to get leadership in Art club if you haven’t already. I do think that having leadership that is art-related specifically will give you an advantage. Also, spend some time perfecting those short descriptions. Emphasize that art involvement.

Obviously, since this is an art & design school, portfolio is key.
Watch lots of accepted portfolio videos.
The website Art Prof is run by one of the RISD professors, and there is a page of “College Portfolios” of students who were accepted to RISD & project ideas. Make sure to include lots of life drawing and show that you have a wide range of ability, throw in a sculptural piece even if you normally work in 2-D.

http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php/128605-Accepted-Portfolios/page11 (this is an old thread but there are some good examples, if you scroll down further on the page).

For the RISD prompts, write as much as you can for the descriptions, share your thought process & meaningful way to expand the themes into future pieces. Keep in mind they accepted about 18% last year.

Anyways, best of luck!

I’m curious with all your dance and theater involvement, what are you hoping to major in at RISD?

I’m not sure yet, but I want to study architecture or interior design if I don’t going to a studio arts based school!

This was so helpful! I definitely have a lot to think about in terms of my artist statements and portfolios…