What are my chances of getting into SDSU and/or UCI?

<p>I am curious to know what my chances are of getting accepted into SDSU and/or UCI.</p>

<p>First, some general information:
- I'm a white male (not sure on how important race is, but I know it is taken into consideration)
- I live within southern California</p>

<p>Freshman Schedule and Final Grades:
English 9 H - A; B+
Geometry - A+; A
Lab Bio 1 - A; A+
Spanish 1- A; A
Wld Hist 1 H - A-; A</p>

<p>Sophmore Schedule and Final Grades:
Algebra 2 H - B; B-
Art 1 - A+; A+
Chemistry - A-; B
Eng 10 H - B; A-
Eur Hist AP - B; B+</p>

<p>Junior Schedule (just started Junior year):
Environ Sci AP
Math Analysis H
Studio Art
Eng Lang/Comp 11 AP
US Hist AP</p>

<p>Senior Schedule (planned for next year):
Eng Lit 12 IB HL2
Hist of Americas IB HL2
Calc A/B AP
Psych IB
Film Studies IB
Studio Art/2D Design AP</p>

<p>My school follows semesters, thus the two different grades.</p>

<p>Classes taken at local community colleges:
Japanese 101 - A
Japanese 102 - A
Japanese 210 Intermed Conversation - A
Currently taking Japanese 201</p>

<p>Took AP European History exam, and passed (received a 3).</p>

<p>As of now, my high school total GPA is 4.17(weighted) and 3.67(unweighted).</p>

<p>I have yet to take my SAT and ACT tests but I plan to sometime this school year.</p>

- Participated in speech contest and won award
- Have volunteered at local library (will have around 200-300 hours by graduation)
- Getting more involved with clubs (e.g. Key Club, etc.)
- Will try to have a job by graduation</p>

<p>I plan to declare my major in Linguistics.</p>

<p>Well, that is all I believe the information I can give as of now. So, what are my chances of getting into the two schools?</p>

<p>P.S. I also would like to join a ROTC program once I am in college (most likely the Air Force ROTC).</p>

<p>Thank you all.</p>

<p>Just bumping this.</p>

<p>I’m sorry I don’t know much about SDSU and their acceptances. But I do think you have a decent shot at UCI. Sometimes, it may depend on your school because I know our school sends a lot to UCI every year</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that out of last year’s graduating class (at my school) only one person claimed to be going to UCI, but I have a feeling that there were more than just the one.</p>

<p>Just bumping.</p>

<p>Another bump.</p>


<p>Why would you choose UCI? If you keep up your grades you can get into Berkely or USC. SDSU is a perfectly good choice as well. Think of which school would look best on your resume. Not saying UCI is bad but there are far better options in CA.</p>