What are my chances of getting into Stanford/Harvard

<p>I have:</p>

<p>4.3 GPA
- taken all IB (international baccalaureate) courses offered at my school
-took AP Bio and AP Chemistry over the summer
- 2150/2400 SAT
- have taken Biology, Chemistry, Physics, math level 1 and 2, and literature subject tests and done well
- 600+ community service hours at a local hospital
- have designed a working medical device in engineering class
- have won one scholarship from an essay contest</p>

<p>Sounds amazing. What’s your ethnicity? And how about essays, cause those are mega-important</p>

<p>You designed a working medical device? Wow, that sounds impressive. You could definitely use this to your advantage to distinguish yourself, because even for applicants that are as qualified or even more qualified than you, both Stanford and Harvard are unpredictable crapshoots. No one can really give you a prediction for them.</p>

<p>thanks. I made the medical device after three years of work in my engineering class. I am also planning to submit it in the ISEF (Intel Science Competition) this year. If my invention does well in the competition, I might get a 100k merit scholarship.</p>


<p>Frankly the 2150 will be a problem. From what I glean, the device is just a project at this point, nothing a major company has in trials?</p>

