What are my chances of getting into the university of colorado at Boulder?

<p>Alright, Im half white and half Asian, live in florida, taken 8 A.P. classes my whole highschool career, and have a gpa of 3.7. I've been 2 years on the swim team and 3 years in national honor society. I wrote 2 really good essays and had 2 good letters of recomendation sent in. The thing im worried about is my sat and act scores because I got a 1050 on the sat (im taking it again next week) and a 22 on the act. I really worried its not good enough but i just hope i get in. Please tell me what my chances are</p>

<p>I remember like 2 years back their acceptance rate was around 90%. As long as the Fiske guide isn’t lying to me your gpa and ec’s and courseload seem fine. And i don’t know about your scores, that’s not 1050 when all 3 sections are added together is it?</p>

<p>90%? that’s incorrect lol.</p>

<p>you should still be fine tho.</p>

<p>Over 80% I guess it is. Must have been a typo in the Fiske 08 edition then.</p>

<p>1050 out of 2400? I hope you mean out of 1600</p>

<p>My scores are really low. I have a 540 on the reading, 510 on math and 510 on writing. I’ve been studying for it though this time and taking it next week so hopefully i will improve.</p>

<p>That’s not that low. It’s around the national avg, maybe even a little above.</p>

<p>hi, I’m looking at University of Colorado at Boulder as an option. My dad is an alumni although he didn’t graduate there (Idk if that still counts). What do you think my chances are of getting in?</p>

<p>im white female and out-of-state ,IL. Tuition isn’t an issue.
I go to one of the top public schools in the state and i think it’s in the top 25ish out of all high schools in illinios</p>

<p>College Major/ Career Goal: I plan on majoring in Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences</p>

<p>Class Rank/GPA<br>
Unweighted 60/893 4.325
Weighted 132/893 3.8
(top 10% of class weighted) do i say top 10% over all cause im 15% in uw </p>

<p>ACT: 25 (math 29<em>English 27</em>reading 21 :[ _science 23) *planning on retaking</p>

<p>end of senior year completed core classes
• 5 science courses (4 accel, 1 AP)
• 4 math Course (2 accel, 2 prep)
• 4 english courses (accel)
• 3 history/social science (1.5 prep, 1.5 accel)
• 3 years Spanish (2 prep, 1 accel)</p>

<p>Honors and Awards
• Spanish National Honors Society (10,11)
• Spanish Merit Certificate (9) –I don’t think it means much though</p>

<p>High School Activities
• High School Volleyball (9, 10)
• Cross Country (11, 12)</p>

<p>Community Activities
• Local Animal Shelter (Fundraisers/volunteering 2009-Present)
• Diabetes Walk (2009-Present)
• Volunteered at Local Recreation Science Center
• Relay for Life (2007-2009) – raised over $1000 each year
• Cleaned up my Middle School garden (2009, took several days)</p>

<p>Work Experience
• Famous Footwear employee (I start in August)
- 15 hours per week most likely during the school year</p>

• Traveling Volleyball (9)
• Designing Jewelry (2004- Present)
–hobby of mine, I don’t know anywhere I could . mention it though</p>


<p>Other schools im looking at (im still narrowing it down) although idk what chance i have and I’m not sure about the R,M,M,S stuff:</p>

<p>University of Wisconsin <em>__reach
Boston University _</em><em>reach
University of Illinois _</em><em>reach
College of Wooster _</em><em>maybe
Auburn University _</em><em>maybe
Indiana University _</em><em>maybe
University of Oregon _</em><em>match
University of Iowa _</em><em>match
Purdue University _</em><em>match
Bradley University _</em><em>match
George Mason University _</em><em>safety
Pacific University _</em>_saftey</p>

<p>please let me kno what shot i have of getting in or even if i do, and some other school that would maybe be good to apply to and sorry for writing a ton!! Thanks so much I really appreciate it, I’m kinda of eft to figure all this stuff out on my own.</p>

<p>You need to start a new thread. This is an old thread.</p>