Hi. I am a junior in high school, and I have started looking at colleges. My top five are MIT, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard,
and Yale. I am thinking about double majoring in physics and math. I would like to know my chances of getting in these colleges so that either I can refine my target schools or change what I’m doing to improve my chances.
State: NH
School: Public High School
GPA: 4.18/4.33 (unweighted) (I’m pretty sure my weighted gpa is at least 4.5)
Class Rank: 9/200
ACT: 35
Haven’t taken SAT Subject Tests yet but plan to in a couple of months.
4 on AP Physics, 5 on AP Calc BC, I plan to take the AP exams for stats, chem, and psych this year.
Summer before high school: Intro to Python Programming (MIT online)
Freshman Year: Earth Science, Honors Humanities, AP Calculus AB, Algebra 2 Accelerated, French 3, Internet Programming, Band level 2 (there are three levels), Advanced Classical Mechanics (MIT online)
Summer: HTML5 from W3C
Sophomore Year: Honors American Studies, AP Physics 1, AP Calculus BC, Band level 3, Precalculus, Research Biology
Summer: Studied for math competitions
Junior Year: AP Psych, AP Lang&Comp, AP Statistics, AP French 4,
Summer: Hopefully RSI, Promys, Mathcamp, one of those programs. We’ll see if I get in or not…
I basically have all A’s and A+'s in all of these courses.
(Additionally, I’m fluent in Japanese)
Senior Year: AP Computer Science A, Multivariable Calculus, some college math and physics courses (probably 4 in total).
Sports: Varsity Tennis, Karate, JV Ultimate Frisbee
Extracurriculars: Founded chess club at our school, math club, used to do robotics, used to do cybersecurity, quiz bowl (A team), debate team freshman year, Science Olympiad Club.
7th in NH Math Talent Search (10th grade)
5th so far this year in NH Math Talent Search
3 time Exploravision Honorable Mention (Top 500 nationwide)
Silver medal at NH State Science Fair
Winner of full scholarship to Governor’s Institute of New Hampshire Mathematics program.
I was on the NH state ARML team (a prestigious math competition)
I won many math competitions in my own school during middle school, and placed 11th in the state in a high school competition. Additionally, I placed in the top 10% of everyone who took the Dartmouth Annual Math Prize Test.
I’m also doing research in cardiology in UNH with a professor.
Again, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could evaluate me and tell me what more I have to do/what I should change.
Thanks in advance!