What are my chances of getting into UCLA/Berkeley?

Hey guys!
Just wanted some reassurance and possible some insight regarding my application for fall of 2017 at UCLA.
Currently I’m majoring as political science (finishing up my 2nd year at a CC). I have a 3.51 GPA as of now with many honors classes. I qualify for TAP and I am also very active in the school (MUN club) and community service/30hrs of work a week.

I think we’d need to know more about any AP or IB classes that you have taken or are currently taking before your chances can be accurately assessed. A 3.51 is a pretty good GPA, but there’s many people who apply to UCLA with better GPAs who have also taken harder classes.

Okay, I completely misread the question and thought you were a high school student applying to UCLA. Sorry about that.

Well, it’s kind of hard to measure. But if you’re going to major in political science at UCLA, being an impacted major, it’s honestly pretty competitive and hard to get into. And when you said that your GPA was 3.51 as of now, does that mean it may increase before you submit your application?

Check out this page on the UCLA transfer website for Poly Sci Hopefuls:

Well, it’s kind of hard to measure. But if you’re going to major in political science at UCLA, being an impacted major, it’s honestly pretty competitive and hard to get into. And when you said that your GPA was 3.51 as of now, does that mean it may increase before you submit your application?

Check out this page on the UCLA transfer website for Poly Sci Hopefuls:

disregard that this shows up twice

I already submitted my application, I have TAP so I have a pretty good chance i’m assuming. Also have a very well known Poli sci club on my app (MUN).