<p>I'm a girl. I'm a junior in high school. I live in Canada and I'm a first generation immigrant (from Asia, I immigrated to Canada when I was 9). I've never taken a practice SAT/ACT, but I'm sure I'll do well on them (I've seen practice tests, they aren't too difficult) </p>
<p>I am president of the math club, I'm involved with the Be the Change/Habitat for Humanity club at my school, I tutor at school, I play piano (2 levels away from being a certified teacher), I volunteer at a hospital, and I have a part-time job at my community recreation centre.</p>
<p>I've always gotten an over 90% average, in high school and middle school, and etc.</p>
<p>I've won many awards from my schools (such as highest averge in so-and-so subject, etc.) and I'm at least in the 5% percentile of my class. I haven't gotten any national/international level awards (that's what I'm worried about)</p>
<p>I'm great at writing essays, though, and I think I have a great personality :)</p>
<p>I'm in the gifted program at my high school. I'm taking the most rigorous courses offered, including 2 grade 12 math courses, 2 sciences, etc. I have never taken a "spare" and don't plan to, either.</p>
<p>I'd like to major in health sciences, psychology, or english, but this thought may change...</p>
<p>So, honestly, what are my chances? I know it's different for every Ivy League school, so if you could please explain in detail, that would be great! Thank you very much.</p>
<p>Edit: I mean I've never taken any practice SAT/ACTs THIS year, but I have done that LAST YEAR (in gr.10). Okay, my practice SAT (NOT PSAT, a practice classic SAT) test score was 1800 (I know it's very low, but it was without ANY STUDYING or ANY PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE of the SAT!). My practice ACT score was 27, I believe, and it was WITH the essay. Both practice tests were timed and under strict testing conditions.</p>