What are my chances to getting into an Ivy League?

<p>I'm a girl. I'm a junior in high school. I live in Canada and I'm a first generation immigrant (from Asia, I immigrated to Canada when I was 9). I've never taken a practice SAT/ACT, but I'm sure I'll do well on them (I've seen practice tests, they aren't too difficult) </p>

<p>I am president of the math club, I'm involved with the Be the Change/Habitat for Humanity club at my school, I tutor at school, I play piano (2 levels away from being a certified teacher), I volunteer at a hospital, and I have a part-time job at my community recreation centre.</p>

<p>I've always gotten an over 90% average, in high school and middle school, and etc.</p>

<p>I've won many awards from my schools (such as highest averge in so-and-so subject, etc.) and I'm at least in the 5% percentile of my class. I haven't gotten any national/international level awards (that's what I'm worried about)</p>

<p>I'm great at writing essays, though, and I think I have a great personality :)</p>

<p>I'm in the gifted program at my high school. I'm taking the most rigorous courses offered, including 2 grade 12 math courses, 2 sciences, etc. I have never taken a "spare" and don't plan to, either.</p>

<p>I'd like to major in health sciences, psychology, or english, but this thought may change...</p>

<p>So, honestly, what are my chances? I know it's different for every Ivy League school, so if you could please explain in detail, that would be great! Thank you very much.</p>

<p>Edit: I mean I've never taken any practice SAT/ACTs THIS year, but I have done that LAST YEAR (in gr.10). Okay, my practice SAT (NOT PSAT, a practice classic SAT) test score was 1800 (I know it's very low, but it was without ANY STUDYING or ANY PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE of the SAT!). My practice ACT score was 27, I believe, and it was WITH the essay. Both practice tests were timed and under strict testing conditions.</p>

<p>We need some tangible numbers for SAT and ACT.</p>

<p>Few things:

  1. You are a foreign applicant. I believe that that is a more competitive group
  2. You are asian - a very competitive application pool
  3. First generation can be in your favor but I don’t know if that applies equally to foreign applicants as non.
  4. You EC come across nice enough - they are not a hook but you are active. I would say that they will not get you in but not keep you out
  5. your average and awards are good enough but I am not sure that they will stand out against your competitors - ie foreign asian female applicants
  6. glad you feel strongly about your essay writing as they are a very important part of your application. Here is where you are going to need to stand out and make yourself memorable.
  7. My biggest concerns are your scores - 1800 and 27 compared to whom you are competing against is going to be quite low.</p>

<p>All in all, unless your essay just blow them away or you pull your scores WAY up, I think that you odds of an ivy are low. Please remember though, that is my guess and you have plenty of time to keep your grades up, obtain great recs, write that essay you think you can do and get those scores up. At this same time my daughter’s junior year, her chances were also slim and she is now a Harvard freshman. You never can tell. :)</p>

<p>to harvard, it doesnt matter whether you studied or not
the point is the score/grade/achievement u have</p>

<p>unless you can pull the SAT past 2300, and make a big impression with essays/recs, you will most likely get shut out by the Ivy league</p>

<p>you should STILL apply no matter what anyone says. nobody, not even the dean of admissions, fully understands how this crap works. just apply and try your best with your essay and when you take your tests again (this is a must).</p>

<p>Besides, i think the whole application process is one big crapshoot----you win some, you lose some.</p>

<p>Hello to everyone out there, these are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT I (breakdown): 720 CR, 760 M, 740 WR
SAT II: 780 Phy, 780 Math IIC, 750 Chem
GCE A level 4A’s Phy, Acc, Eco, Math
Rank : 3/130
Extracurriculars : Community service society(President), Student Governing Body (President)
Volunteer/Community service: over 1500 hours</p>

<p>In Addition i can get an amazing rec from both teacher and counselor plus most importantly
I am on self finance.
Please tell me about my chances to Harvard (i will love to go there) or MIT, Stanford or any Ivy school.</p>

<p>^the problem is, if you want to get into [Insert our own prestigious institution], you will need something speical. Everybody has good scores and is academically strong. This does not mean you don’t have a chance but with your stats I think your application can very likely be overlooked. You need to have something where the Officers say “Oh, look at that - this guy [founded a company; travelled to 30 countries; published a book etc.]” This is something interesting… and then theyll debate. You just look <em>too ordinary</em> - doesn’t mean you couldn’t get in…just saying.</p>

<p>U mean that if i submit my business profile which i have just dont want to show and intrestingly when i say i am on self finance i will actually spend my own profit on my education. I will have good chance to get in Harvard.</p>

<p>It was neither meant to be polemy nor to be associated with <em>business</em>… I am saying that everybody can get good grades - it does not take much - a bit of intelligence and intellect - sitting down, studying, getting an A. What’s the deal? Everybody can do that - not everybody has the passion to write and actually publish a book (or whatever you choose to do that makes a significant difference).</p>