What are my chances to transfer into UCLA

my dream achool is ucla, what are my chances…

I’m in CCC, tyring to transfer to Data Theory major. My gpa is 3.90, and I have 1 EW and two Ws. Are my chanes low? No Tap. EW is bc of the serious family circumstance and 2 Ws are bc of the court trial for the next quarter. I wrote it in the essay, but Idk if they’ll think it is just an excuse. Also I only have 3 ECs: 1. full time work outside the U.S. related to the major, started two months ago 2. private education part time job inside the U.S. for 3 months 3. statistics-cs related position in the global studies college club /

What are my chances?

This link should give you an idea of your GPA and admit rates chances.