what are my chances?

<p>I got a 1980 on my SATs (690M, 630V, 660W)
I did terribly on my SATIIs with a 500 French, 530 Math IIC, 730 Biology
I got a 4 on the AP Bio test</p>

<p>I think I have a 3.6 unweighted GPA and a 3.7 or higer weighted. At my school, GPAs can't exceed 4.0. My average is about a 95 which is probably a better GPA at other schools.</p>

<p>I'm not sure about my ranking because my school doesn't use it. Junior year I know I was one of the top 8 in the class because we were featured in the graduation but I don't know about now. My guidance counselor marked top 10% on my applications, though.</p>

<p>In my junior year I took AP Biology (online), Honors English (AP didn't fit in my schedule), and AP US History. This year I'm taking AP Lang&Comp, Honors Gov. and Ec., AP Chemistry (online), Honors Calc, and Honors French V. I'm also teaching myself Spanish because Honors Spanish V is the same period as Honors French V. The only AP classes I didn't take were AP Physics (I took physics junior year though) and AP Lit&Comp (because of scheduling).</p>

<p>My credits are as follows:
Foreign Language: 8 (4 French, 4 Spanish)
English: 4.5
Social Studies:4.5</p>

<p>My ECs are:
NHS - 9 to 12
SNHS - 9 to 12
FNHS - 10 to 12
Senior Class Treasurer
Lit. Magazine - 9,12 (Co-Editor-in-Chief)
Yearbook - 9 to 12 (Section Editor & Staff Writer 9,10,11; Chief Financial Officer & Senior Editor 12)
Newspaper - 9 to 12 (Staff Writer 9,10,11; Editor of Entertainment Section 12)
Track and Field - 11
Model United Nations - 10
Environmental Club - 10,11,12 (unofficial treasurer)
Reading Olympics - 9,10
Middle School Book Club - 12 (Founder; ran for 7th and 8th graders)</p>

<p>I know my SATs and SATIIs are really killing me but I have no time to retake them.....what do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>i don't think you'll get in because of your gpa and scores which is basically 80% of what they look at. my gpa is the same as yours but my scores are higher (satI: 1480, math ic: 760, math iic: 790, ap calculus: 5) hope you find a college that suits you~</p>

<p>What about a 3.85 GPA? I'm pretty sure my guidance counselor calculated mine wrong the first time and she refuses to do it again.</p>

<p>"i don't think you'll get in because of your gpa and scores which is basically 80% of what they look at"</p>

<p>80% might be an overstatement..</p>

<p>yah, that seems to be an overstatement. Cornell tends to look wholistically at each applicant.</p>

<p>In the 2006 Fiske guide to colleges, the middle range for Cornell's SAT is 610-700 Verbal, and 622-720 Math. You're in the range; don't worry about your SATs. My daughter and her two best friends got into Cornell, Northwestern and Wash. U, all with SATs that were in the range but toward the lower end. Your SAT II for biology is great! Write a good essay about what kind of a person you are, how your activities have shaped your outlook, etc. Let your real self come out. I think you have as good a chance as the next person.</p>

<p>thanks for the information. do you think the math SATII could hurt my chances?</p>

<p>I think your math score would only be a concern if you're applying to a program that requires high-level math.</p>

<p>I'm planning on being and English major but doing pre-med, too</p>

<p>What Cornell school/college are you applying to? I went to a Cornell presentation and they explained sandarized test scores as..."not as important as students think they are, but more important than admissions officers say they are". One admissions officer also told me that SAT IIs are important, but that they will be overlooked if the rest of the application is strong. Just make sure to have strong recomendations and essays and you will be fine.</p>

<p>just like to say i do agree the 80% on GPA and scores is a gross overstatement!</p>

<p>I'm applying to the College of Arts and Sciences. I really hope they don't mind my SATIIs. I don't know what happened with math that day. I left some blank like people told me to (i didn't in the SAT) and it seemed to be a very very bad idea. I think I'm a good guesser, truthfully, so I probably would have done better by guessing answers. What do you think about the rest of my stats? Would they possibly over look the standardized test scores?</p>

<p>if you already applied, don't worry or read this thread anymore. it will do nothing for you except make you lose precious sleep and maybe age a little faster due to anxiety. </p>

<p>you've applied and done your part. there's nothing that anyone here can say that will (genuinely) at all put you at ease or change your chances.</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>I was just trying to figure out what schools I should have on my list to apply to for january deadlines. If I'm defered from Penn, then schools of the same or similar calibur would be possible. If I'm rejected, I might want a few that are a step or two lower, you know?</p>

<p>you should apply to schools with similar caliber and have some schools that are a 'step or two' lower anyway, regardless of Penn's decision. it's the common rule of thumb to have an equal distribution of reaches, matches, and safeties. If you apply to all schools with Penn's caliber, even if you're deferred, there is a great chance none may take you (just generalizing-they're incredible schools), and there is nothing worse that having to spend a year out of school, at a community college, or even another university that you are not satisfied with if you are capable of better.</p>

<p>be smart about it, apply where you would be happy, but remember to have those matches and safeties regardless.</p>

<p>Pre-med is extremely tough at Cornell. Why don't you add to your list a smaller, less prestigious school with a good med school admittance rate?</p>

<p>Do you have any suggestions? I've been looking but there are so many schools and it's hard to distingust between them.</p>

<p>i think JHU has a great med program right?</p>

<p>anyways if you really want to go to cornell, i would suggest one of the easier ones like hotel administration and agriculture</p>

<p>Well, my focus is as an English major. I'm not completely sure about the pre-med part, yet.</p>

<p>stuckinnj- it's generally a bad idea to base what school you're applying to at Cornell on admit rates or statistics of admitees. If you're not interested in a specific area it's going to show. Plus, hotelies have slightly lower stats but they also have ALOT of experience in the area- really focused ecs. You're best shot is to apply to the school you wish to attend.<br>
Ra en Kam- other than test scores, you're ecs and gpa look really good. Your ecs show that your focused, you gpa and rank show that your hardworking. What's the quality of your school like? If it's not too great that could explain the scores (poor training). If you're able to, you could think about taking the act (my score was much better with that). Obviously, have some safety schools. Cornell and Penn might be reaches but you've still got a shot. Good luck!</p>