what are my chances?

<p>I got a 1980 on my SATs (690M, 630V, 660W)
I did terribly on my SATIIs with a 500 French, 530 Math IIC, 730 Biology
I got a 4 on the AP Bio test</p>

<p>I think I have a 3.6 unweighted GPA and a 3.7 or higer weighted. At my school, GPAs can't exceed 4.0. My average is about a 95 which is probably a better GPA at other schools.</p>

<p>I'm not sure about my ranking because my school doesn't use it. Junior year I know I was one of the top 8 in the class because we were featured in the graduation but I don't know about now. My guidance counselor marked top 10% on my applications, though.</p>

<p>In my junior year I took AP Biology (online), Honors English (AP didn't fit in my schedule), and AP US History. This year I'm taking AP Lang&Comp, Honors Gov. and Ec., AP Chemistry (online), Honors Calc, and Honors French V. I'm also teaching myself Spanish because Honors Spanish V is the same period as Honors French V. The only AP classes I didn't take were AP Physics (I took physics junior year though) and AP Lit&Comp (because of scheduling).</p>

<p>My credits are as follows:
Foreign Language: 8 (4 French, 4 Spanish)
English: 4.5
Social Studies:4.5</p>

<p>My ECs are:
NHS - 9 to 12
SNHS - 9 to 12
FNHS - 10 to 12
Senior Class Treasurer
Lit. Magazine - 9,12 (Co-Editor-in-Chief)
Yearbook - 9 to 12 (Section Editor & Staff Writer 9,10,11; Chief Financial Officer & Senior Editor 12)
Newspaper - 9 to 12 (Staff Writer 9,10,11; Editor of Entertainment Section 12)
Track and Field - 11
Model United Nations - 10
Environmental Club - 10,11,12 (unofficial treasurer)
Reading Olympics - 9,10
Middle School Book Club - 12 (Founder; ran for 7th and 8th graders)</p>

<p>I've also written 3 novels and some short stories. I mentioned them in one of my essays.</p>

<p>So what do you think my NYU chances are? People keep telling me that I should apply because they think I'd do well and like it.</p>

<p>NYU is really hard to get into regular decision because that is when all of the amazing people are applying there as safeties. U would have a shot if u were to apply ed.</p>

<p>fifawcs, while I agree with you that ED may give someone the edge...a school with a less than 30% acceptance rate isn't a safety for anyone.</p>

<p>if your novels / stories were published in any way than you obviously have a huge hook.</p>

<p>As much as I hate to admit it, considering I am applying ED to NYU cause I cant get in, the smart kids in my school do see NYU as a safety and rightly so, seeing as they have 1500s and 96 avgs. Sucks but it is true,</p>

<p>I defintely don't see it as a safty school. It's probably my second choice school after my ED one. None of the books were published (very hard to do before 18 years old). Does anyone think I have a chance though?</p>

<p>yea most kids applying to an ivy ED or another top school, consider nyu a match/safety and rightly so</p>

<p>I wish NYU had tufts syndrome...grr</p>