I am a second-semester junior at a public school in Massachusetts.
Early Action:
University of Michigan
University of Virginia
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
University of California Berkeley
University of California Los Angeles
University of Maryland
Regular Decision:
Stanford University
Duke University
Carnegie Mellon
Wake Forest University
University of Notre Dame
Brown University
University of Southern California
Cumulative GPA as of now: 104.25
Rank: 1 out of about 250
ACT: 32 (taking again)
taking SAT subject tests in math and U.S. history in May
Freshman grades:
French 2 (Honors): A
English (Honors): A+
World History (Honors): A+
Geometry (Honors): A+
Biology (Honors): A+
Chorus (Honors): A+
Health: A+
Gym: A+
GPA: 101.95
Sophomore Grades:
French 3 (Honors): A+
Accelerated Algebra 2: A+
AP European History: A+
Chemistry (Honors): A+
English (Honors): A+
Chorus (Honors): A+
Health: A+
Gym: A
GPA: 104.997
Junior Grades (first semester):
French 4 (Honors): A
AP U.S.: A
AP English Lang: A-
AP Government (U.S.): A+
AP Statistics: A+
Accelerated Pre-Calc: A+
Physics (Honors): A+
GPA: 105.53 (my year end grade for english is on track to be an A, and my year end grades for APUSH and French are on track to be A+s)
Senior Schedule:
AP Physics
AP Psychology
AP English Lit
AP Calc BC
AP Human Geography
AP French
World History excellence
Accelerated Algebra 2 excellence
Health excellence
Overall outstanding academic excellence
Most improved chorus
Harvard Book Award
Overall Outstanding Academic Achievement
Extra Curriculars:
Math team
Varsity Cross Country
World Language National Honor Society (potential officer)
National Honor Society (running for officer position)
English National Honor Society
Class Secretary (freshman and sophomore)
Mock Trial
Founder and president of political awareness club
Also attended three courses at Phillips Andover Academy over the summer and achieved the highest score in all of them. Going into my senior year I will attend Harvard for a program in statistics and politics.
Additionally, I am flying out to Washington D.C. for a week this summer to do a program at George Mason University studying national security and diplomacy.