What are my chances?

<p>realestate- 760, 760, and 710 are way below average for SAT II's??? (math II went up from 700 to 760) I would AT LEAST consider them average.</p>

<p>and 2200 (my highest composite) SAT is supposedly 99%-tile.</p>

<p>Where in the Brown Admissions "Rule Book" does it say you need nationally recognized achievements? I doubt even half the kids accepted last year had "national-level" achievements. (but I have had state wide recognition; 1 of 30 outstanding violinists in Michigan, Piano State semifinalist and National Guild Auditions, Tennis state-semifinalist and Midwest USTA Ranking) And my research was submitted for publication in a National Journal and I also am a NMSF.</p>

<p>You'll never get into brown without atleast 700 on your CR! Retake!!!!

your ECs sound really great even though i don't know anything about music competitions and stuff...if they make up for SATs which are not bad but not..you know.. amazingly spectacular.. then i think you def have a chance.</p>

<p>juggieburger, are you serious about that? does Brown really reject a lot of people for not having 700+ on SAT M and V, even if the combined M+V is pretty strong? if so, i should basically give up all hope right now...</p>

<p>great stats, great extra cirriculars, and a lot of activities that aren't too run-of-the-mill. so, feel confident, and proud of yourself for achieving great things in high school. and if you get accepted, i don't think any of us in this forum will be suprised.
HOWEVER, people with stats like you get rejected all of the time, in the same way that people with not-so-great stats get accepted all of the time. it's a crap shoot, because so many qualified people apply, and so few can get accepted. so asking around for chances is pretty much a confidence booster at best--- but you should definitely be proud of yourself for your accomplishments and expect to go to a great school, Brown or not.</p>

<p>wow, thank you draggskelter.</p>

<p>olam36- I'm fairly sure juggieburger's comment was sarcastic.</p>

<p>hahaha, olam36, I was being completely sarcastic. I dont have over 700 on CR, and I dont think I can get over 700 on it either lol.
Don't worry, you still have hope :P</p>

<p>Btw rd31, you have a great chance (no sarcasm this time lol)</p>

<p>thanks juggieburger! waiting for the decision has made me so paranoid lately.</p>

<p>awesome extracurrics</p>

<p>get some safeties. college admissions is definitely a crapshoot.</p>

<p>I've already been accepted at the University of Michigan, I just have a looong list of reaches, lol.</p>