<p>I am a junior at the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, a selective high school located on the campus of CSU Dominguez Hills. It is kinda world known, important people from Korea and Thailand visit my school a lot.</p>
<p>My classes and grades (1st and 2nd quarter) recieved in ninth grade were: Engineering A,A, Career/health A,A, Spanish 3-4 B,A, Art A,A, Sci A,A, English A,A, Interactive Math A,A.</p>
<p>Tenth grade: English A,A, Sci B,A, Spanish 5-6 B,B, Interactive math A,A, Psychology A,A, Honors Biology B,B, History, A,A.</p>
<p>Progress report grades for 11th grade classes: Honors English A, Honors History A, Interactive math B, Honors Chemistry A, Spanish 7-8 A, Anatomy and Physiology A, Statistics AP B.</p>
<p>Extra curriculars:</p>
<p>Academic: I won the Los Angeles Country Science Fair in 9th and 10th grade.
I was a state finalist in National History Day
I am in the National Honors Society. (16 community service hours/semester)
I am in California Scholarship Federation (12 comm. service hrs/semester)
I am in American Red cross (community service)
I am in Biomedicine club (various fundrasiers and labs)
9th grade- I was Juliet in the Romeo and Juliet class play
Most Inspirational Student of Long Beach Award</p>
<p>Others: I have been figure skating since I was 5 years old. I am at an elite level and participate and win many competitions a year. i have been in Regional and State Competitions, and am regionally ranked. I am a gold level skater. Member of the United States Figure Skating Association.
I have been dancing ballet since I was 2 years old. I have performed special roles in Sleeping Beauty, the Nutcracker, and Coppelia. I trained at the Southern California Dance Academy.
I am an advanced level Pianist.
I tutor elementary students
I do volunteer work at the Madrona Marsh preserve.
Soon, I will be a volunteer at the Long Beach Veterans Memorial.
During the summer I will get a job at the bookstore.</p>
Los Angeles County Science Fair Award ( 2)
State Finalist at National History Day
National Honor Award</p>
<p>Please comment on what you think about my chances. I am just curious. I am perfectly aware that i am not without flaws, I have several Bs on my record. the courses at my school are hard, especially since I am a training figure skater. I am, however, involved in many extra curricular activites. My weighted GPA is about a 3.9.</p>
<p>I have not taken the SAT yet, but I expect to get around 1900/2400 (based on my scores from the practice SATs I took. I will take more AP classes next year. My school does not have a lot of AP classes, maybe 4 or 5? I was also nominated to be in the National Student Leadership Conference in 2005. </p>
<p>Whether or not this helps my chances: I am vietnamese, I speak vietnamese and english. I wonder if vietnamese people are considered a minority? My mom escaped the country during WW2. My aunt and uncle attended Harvard and graduated about 2 years ago. But I guess since they’re not my parents or anything, just relatives, that’s not a strong enough alumni relationship.</p>