What are my chances?

<p>White Male
Pottsgrove High School (Outside of Philadelphia, PA)</p>

<p>GPA: 102.3 / 100 (weighted)
Rank: 8 / 270
SAT: Reading - 550
Math - 640
Writing - 590
(I know, my SAT scores are bad)</p>

<p>Activities - Junior Class President
History Club
Model UN
Junior Statesmen of America
President of National Honor Society
President of Spanish Club
Key Club
Math League
Stock Market Club
Tutor 5 hours a week
I have had a consistent job for 2 years now working 20 hours a week
Involved in school sports</p>

<p>I think you have a great shot at acceptance to Rochester. I'm not to familiar with the 100-point-scale GPA, but it seems like your EC's make you a more-than-qualified candidate. I think the only downfall in your resume is your SAT scores, but other than that, it looks good. (it also depends how you did on your essays, application, etc)...</p>