what are my chances?

<p>I am going to be a senior this year and this is what i have racked up so far:</p>

<p>SAT: 1890 (math:650 reading:660 and sadly writing:580)
SAT II: 650 (math II) 680 (World Hist.) 700 (US Hist.) 730 (Chem)
ACT: 29
GPA: 4.0 (unweighted) 4.625 (weighted)
Resident of Nevada
AP Course Exam Score
Lang & Comp---5
World Hist.-----5
U.S. Hist.------4</p>

<p>will be taking next year: AP Psych.
AP Calc. BC
AP Govt.
Brit Lit H (aka. English IV H)
Physics I H</p>

<p>I am president of Leo Club (it's like NHS and Key Club)
participant in NHS
and looking into either Materials Eng. or Chemistry</p>

<p>so based off of this information what are my chances on getting into Northeastern U.?</p>

<p>Your stats are similar to my daughter's ( accepted and entering as a freshman ) . You may want to add some community service too...couldn't hurt your chances</p>

<p>If you really want a scholarship and honors, you might want to try and bring up your SAT scores.</p>