What are my chances?

<p>Thank you in advance for telling me what you guys think!</p>

<p>SAT: CR-600, M-720, W-660, Composite-1980 (I retook it last Saturday and am projecting a much higher score than this.)</p>

<p>ACT: Composite-33
English: 34
Math: 34
Reading: 33
Science: 31</p>

<p>Class Rank: 1/336
GPA: TBD, but it is near a 4.0
Junior Courses: AP US History, Honors Pre-Calculus, Honors Spanish IV, Honors American Literature, Honors Civics/Modern America, Honors Chemistry (I would have taken either AP Chemistry or AP Physics last year, but there were not enough students to have a class)
Senior Courses: AP Calculus BC, AP Spanish Language, AP Statistics, AP Chemistry, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Psychology</p>

<p>AP Scores (So far): AP Biology-5, APUSH-5
Projecting 5's on the rest
SAT IIs: My best were US History (730) and Biology-M (720)</p>

-Marching Band (Flute)- This was a huge time commitment, with practices, competitions, football games, and such, and I was part of the program for three years.
-Concert Band- Flute and Oboe- I also did this for three years.
-National Honor Society- Member since beginning of junior year; I ran for President but lost.
-Spanish Honor Society- Member since end of sophomore year; both National and Spanish Honor societies do charity work that I volunteer for.
-Team Waramaug- Academic bowl team at my school.
-Math Team (participating in competitions with other schools across CT)</p>

<p>Honors/Academic Awards:
-Have made honor roll every marking period
-Honored by the Women of Engineering
-Rising Star Presenter at the Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
-Recipient of the Harvard Book Award (for highest GPA in the junior class and leadership qualities)
-Named a Connecticut Governor's Scholar (The 30 top students in CT are awarded this at the end of their junior year)
-Many other subject awards that are not listed here</p>

<p>Other things that I do:
-I continue to practice my flute and oboe, even though I am no longer in band.
-I tutor voluntarily both through the National Honor Society and by myself for a couple of hours every week
-I may volunteer at a nursing home in town</p>

<p>Predicted major: Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Future Career: Pediatric oncology</p>

<p>I am applying SCEA to Yale, and I am also applying to Johns Hopkins and the University of Connecticut.</p>

<p>Thank you again! :)</p>

<p>Is anybody there? Please tell me what my chances are...

<p>Please chance me!!!! Is anyone there?</p>

<p>you better have really good essays/recommendations because yale is definitely a reach for you.</p>

<p>^It's a reach for everyone.</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance of getting in. Just make sure your essays really convey who you are and what you will bring to the Yale campus--in other words, why should they accept you. You can obviously handle the work (and test scores are certainly not everything--SATs)...just show them what other great qualities you have and pray (or hope) for the best!</p>

<p>high reach, even with good recs, because yale accepts 20% of valedicts and I wouldnt say that sat wise or EC wise your in the top 20% of those valedictorians. You would need to have some of the best essays out of the whole applicant pool... </p>

<p>Or check your schools scatter gram if every year the top 5 go to ivies, then id say its still a reach, but mroe of a reach-match.</p>

<p>Thank you for posting your opinions.</p>

<p>I also got the Harvard Prize Book! But for my school, it wasn't the top GPA... it was one person nominated by all the counselors, then I had to enter a writing competition against all the other students in my area. </p>

<p>weird how it's different everywhere.</p>


<p>SAT: CR-600, M-720, W-660, Composite-1980
Retake: CR-680, M-730, W-640
ACT: Composite-33
English: 34
Math: 34
Reading: 33
Science: 31</p>

<p>Class Rank: 1/336
GPA: TBD, but it is near a 4.0
Junior Courses: AP US History, Honors Pre-Calculus, Honors Spanish IV, Honors American Literature, Honors Civics/Modern America, Honors Chemistry (I would have taken either AP Chemistry or AP Physics last year, but there were not enough students to have a class)
Senior Courses: AP Calculus BC, AP Spanish Language, AP Statistics, AP Chemistry, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Psychology</p>

<p>AP Scores (So far): AP Biology-5, APUSH-5
Projecting 5’s on the rest
SAT IIs:US History (730) and Biology-M (720)</p>

-Marching Band (Flute)- This was a huge time commitment, with practices, competitions, football games, and such, and I was part of the program for three years.
-Concert Band- Flute and Oboe- I also did this for three years.
-National Honor Society- Member since beginning of junior year; I ran for President but lost.
-Spanish Honor Society- Member since end of sophomore year; both National and Spanish Honor societies do charity work that I volunteer for.
-Team Waramaug- Academic bowl team at my school.
-Math Team (participating in competitions with other schools across CT)
-Founder and President of my school’s chapter of the Science National Honor Society</p>

<p>Honors/Academic Awards:
-Have made honor roll every marking period
-Honored by the Women of Engineering
-Rising Star Presenter at the Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Symposium-planning on presenting a research project there again this year)
-Recipient of the Harvard Book Award (for highest GPA in the junior class and leadership qualities)
-Named a Connecticut Governor’s Scholar (The 30 top students in CT are awarded this at the end of their junior year)
-Many other subject awards that are not listed here (16 total)</p>

<p>Other things that I do:

  • I have played flute for eight years, and oboe for four.
    -I tutor voluntarily both through the National Honor Society and by myself for a couple of hours every week
    -I may volunteer at a nursing home in town
    -I have a brown belt in karate (close to top-rank)</p>

<p>Predicted major: Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Future Career: Pediatric oncology</p>

<p>Essays: Common App one was about my little sister-Very good
Supplemental- Excellent- About why I want to go into pediatric oncology</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendations- both excellent</p>

<p>Income: < 60,000</p>

<p>I am applying SCEA to Yale, and I am also applying to Johns Hopkins and the University of Connecticut.</p>

<p>Thank you again!</p>

<p>Your SAT’s are similar to mine mathwise, I also have low sat’s (2090). Make yourself stand out</p>